Announcements 2-19-12

The Adult Forum Series focused on Our Parish Transition continues this morning with a conversation on your worship experience here at St. Paul’s 9:15 in the parish hall.  Videos of the forums are available on the St. Paul’s website, ( by following the links to the Christian Education page and clicking on the Adult Forums Series.

The Lenten Meditation Booklet is available in the vestibule and the church office.

Join the fun on Shrove Tuesday, February 21st, starting at 6:00 p.m., as the Women’s Group sponsors the all-parish dinner, featuring “Mardi Gras”!  Sign up to bring something to share.  Suggestions are on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Great Hall, but your favorite item is always welcome.  There will be music, party favors, King Cake (Will you win the prize?) and more!  Don’t cook?  Help is needed with set-up and clean-up.  Please call Caroline Russell (729-1845) or Susan Martens (688-2294) with questions.

We are delighted to have received copies of our new hymnal Wonder Love and Praise.  They will be located at the end of each pew to be shared during worship, beginning with worship on the First Sunday of Lent.  We will be using them for service music and hymns, along with The Hymnal 1982, already in the pews.  I know we will discover hymns that are already part of our worship and that will become much loved over the years.

Beginning the first Sunday of Lent you will notice alterations to our worship space.  The chancel area will be arranged along the lines of the space configuration instituted last year on the First Sunday of Lent.  You will also see additions to the space to enhance both the beauty and significance of our worship.  We will be receiving communion on the floor and I will instruct you in the logistics that Sunday morning.  I welcome your thoughts and comments about your worship experience that Sunday and in the weeks to come.  Please call me at the office so we can spend some time together in conversation.

The Self-Study committee asks  that you please mark March 4 on your calendars. We will be holding an  open meeting between services that morning that will cover topics that have emerged in the survey results. Your input is vital to the success of our task!

The Women’s Meditation Group offers “Journey Through Lent” Tuesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m. starting February 28.  Each session offers a guided meditation with time for journaling, prayer and sharing.  All women are invited. Led by Linda Ashe Ford and Susan Tyler.

The Lenten Book Study begins Wednesday, February 29, 5:45-7:00.   This first week will focus on chapters 1-3 with The Rev. Bob Patterson as facilitator.

On Saturday, February 25th, from 1:00 to 3:00 in the Great Hall at St. Paul’s  our Earth Care Commission will host Maine’s Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) CSA Fair.  This is the fourth year we have been hosts and it is your opportunity to meet and support local farmers and fishermen.

We are forming a committee to care for the church gardens.  If you are interested in helping, please contact Abigail Manny or 725-9062. Thank you!

The Youth of St. Paul’s will be taking part in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine on March 30-31.  This is our fifth year to take part in this worldwide movement of students who will fast, pray, worship and serve for 30 hours to help alleviate world hunger. You can help by committing to fast and pray alongside us and by sponsoring our youth ($30 will feed and care for a child for a month). The youth will have tables after the services during Lent so that you can find out more or sign up.  You can also get more information by following the link to the 30 Hour Famine on the St. Paul’s website, where there is also a link that will allow you to join our team or sponsor us. Please keep the preparation and participants in your prayers.  For more information, contact Cristle Judd or 725-0803.

The Outreach Commission is collaborating with MCHHP on a new project on Sunday, March 11th between 4-6:30. We are preparing bag dinners for those who need them in this pilot effort. We need about 10 -12 volunteers for the endeavor. If it is successful we will explore continuing on a regular basis. If you are interested please sign-up in the Great Hall after the service and we will contact you with details.