Announcements September 2, 2012

Healing Prayer is offered today.  If you wish to receive a prayer on your own behalf or for another, proceed to the library following communion.

Sunday worship will be held in the air-conditioned Parish Hall at 9:00 a.m. this     Sunday, and September 9 due to construction.

The General Convention Forum will take place today in the Library after the service.

The Lay Pastoral Visitors each week deliver altar flowers to people  connected with  St. Paul’s who are at home, in crisis or in facilities and unable to get out much.  It is a wonderful way to use the altar flowers that add so much to our Sunday worship and a perfect way for representatives of St. Paul’s to make contact with those who are not able to be with us at worship.  For many years we have been using coffee cans – the metal, small size cans, preferably with the plastic cover on the bottom! – to carry and leave the flowers.  One of our members covers the cans with wall paper which makes a perfect vase!  You have always been great about supplying us with coffee cans and we hope you can do so again in the upcoming weeks.  They can be left in the Flower Room.  Our sincere thanks for your help.

The Outreach Commission will partner with Mid-Coast Hunger Prevention Program to provide lunch at their center once a month from September through December. This is a new initiative. Currently, the Center does not provide any meals on weekends, but sees it as a need in the Community.  We need about 13 volunteers to work on Saturday, September 22 to help prepare, serve and clean up for this event. We anticipate it would require 4-5 hours of time (10-2).  If possible, we would like people to commit to the full 4-5 hours, but if they cannot, we are willing to look at shifts.  High School students may find this a way to accumulate their Community Service hours.  Please sign up on the sheet which is in the entry way.  If you have any questions, please contact James Ford.

Choir begins Wednesday!  All are welcome to come sing in the choir: 7 to 8:30 Wednesday. Low stress, great joy! Think of it as practice for heaven, when you get to sing God’s praises all the time! Call or email Bob if you have questions: 725-0803 /

The Discernment Committee is pleased to announce that the position for St. Paul’s new rector has opened on the Diocese of Maine’s website, and will remain open for ten weeks.  If members of the St. Paul’s community know any potential applicants, please encourage them to apply through the Diocese.

Pulpit  The pulpit will not be used in the new chancel and was deconsecrated recently.  We have retained the dedication plaque from 1904 and will place it in the church       archives.  If any parishioner is interested in having the pulpit, please contact Ann or Terry.  If no one is interested, the Vestry has authorized our seeking an outside user.

Do you love flowers?  The Flower Committee is looking for new members.  Members arrange the altar flowers with a partner on a rotating basis, usually one Sunday a month.  Please call Abigail at 725-9062.