Announcements 10-20-12
Healing Prayer is offered today at the 10:30 service. If you wish to receive a prayer on your own behalf or for another, proceed to the vestibule following communion.
Forum on Diocesan Convention will meet at 9:20 this Sunday. Paul Womer, one of St. Paul’s delegates will facilitate a forum to help us understand the issues to be discussed, to solicit feedback on issues, and to answer questions we might have. This is a great way to be informed about diocesan matters and to let your concerns be known.
Earth Care Commission meeting today: Calling all parishioners interested in joining the Earth Care Commission or in taking a leadership role. After a long hiatus we are convening a meeting after the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there. Lollie Brown and Bronda Niese, Co-Chairs.
Series: Steadfast Hope will meet on October 23 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Additional series dates are October 30, and November 6, 13, 20, and 27. Join Charles Arnold and Bob Walkling as they lead discussions on the political, ethical, and spiritual dilemma of Palestine.
All Saints’ Sunday: We will celebrate the Sunday of All Saints on November 4. All who have died in the parish in the past year will be remembered. If you have loved ones you would like remembered, please call the office.
Celebration with Bishop Lane, Wednesday, November 7, 5:00 p.m. Our celebration will begin with a silent auction of organ pipes. A potluck supper follows in the Great Hall; sign-up sheets for set-up, clean-up and food donations are on the bulletin board in the hall. We will then begin our worship service on the 2nd floor as the rooms are each blessed. Moving onto the church, we will continue with blessing our organ, chancel space and new vestments. The service will include special music from the choir and Holy Communion with the Bishop as celebrant. Everyone is invited to a glorious evening for St. Paul’s.
Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Lunches: The Outreach Commission has partnered with the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program and First Parish Church to provide lunch at the center one Saturday a month – November 17, and December 15. We need 6 to 7 volunteers from 8:30 to 1:00 to work each Saturday to prepare, serve and clean up for these events. If possible, we would like people to stay for the entire shift; if they cannot, we are willing to look at shifts. Please sign up on the hallway bulletin board. If you have any questions, contact James Ford at 841-9377
Capital Campaign: Thank you so much to each of you who contributed to the Capital Campaign by purchasing one of the chairs in the West Transept. The dedication plaques have been affixed and the chairs are in the choir side of the transept. Again, thank you.
Wanted: Items for the country store table at the Christmas Fair on December 1. Examples include home-made jellies, canning goods, home-made dog treats, catnip pillows, jars with all the dry ingredients to make a soup or hot cocoa or dip or etc., long cloth tubes filled with material to keep the cold from coming under doors, basically homemade items that would not be on knits and stitches or the baked goods table. Contact Rodney (call 688-2249 so I will have an idea of what will be coming in. Thank you.
The Freezer Gourmet committee is taking preorders of the stars of the tasting and some old favorites to be picked up at the fair. Please see the sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall. Anyone interested in joining the committee please see Abigail Manny or Pat Forsyth for more information.
Greens Table: As you are putting your gardens to bed – please remember dried flowers and decorative seed pods for the greens table. Please contact Jo Belknap with any questions.
Sunday Coffee Hours: Hosts are needed! Sign-up sheets for the 8:00 & 10:30 coffee hours are on the bulletin board in the Great Hall, by the kitchen. Ritalee Doty and Caroline Russell are available to show you the “ropes.” The coffee hours that follow each service give us opportunities to meet for refreshments, fellowship and to welcome newcomers. Please consider supporting this ministry.
From The Discernment Committee To date, the Discernment Committee has received four batches of applications for the position of Rector of St. Paul’s from the diocesan Canon for Transition Ministry. We are currently engaged in screening and ranking the candidates, and already several applicants have been invited to advance to the next stage of the process – essay questions – where we hope to get to know them better. Thus far we have been blessed with many talented and interesting candidates from all over the country. We will continue to keep you up to date on our progress.
Choir rehearses Wednesday! All are welcome to come sing in the choir: 7 to 8:30 Wednesday. Low stress, great joy! Think of it as practice for heaven, when you get to sing God’s praises all the time! Contact Bob if you have questions: 725-0803
Save the date: The inaugural recital for the new organ will take place on November 18 at 3:00 p.m.