Faith and Being Disciples
Two Sundays, October 20, 27 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
In the whirl of a world largely rooted in technology, information, and efficiency, what does faith mean? What connection, if any, is there between faith and deliberate discipleship? Golda Meir once observed, “When principle runs up against pragmatism, inevitably pragmatism wins.” Does it have to be that way is a question any serious disciple must face.
Please join The Rev. Bob Patterson for two Sunday forums in the search for an authentic response to the call to discipleship in ways that honor tradition and learn from it, but are not bound by it. Explore with him the issue of how we can develop a living faith that can deal with life’s tough challenges with integrity and authenticity.
As preparation, you can reflect on The Baptismal Covenant (The Book of Common Prayer, pages 304-306).
Facilitator: The Rev. Bob Patterson