Saturday Morning Workshop, October 26 10 a.m.-noon
Hypertexting is a way of approaching poetry, a Psalm, or any similar piece of writing that asks everyone present to focus on a word or phrase in the poem and to write about that word or phrase. The meaning of the poem is thus exponentially enriched by everyone’s participation in discovering all of the possibilities the text has to offer. Hypertexting evolved from Lectio Divina, which is the ancient Christian practice of meditating on a word or phrase from Holy Scripture, allowing the participant to internalize the Word. This workshop will allow us to discover the riches of hypertexting and to explore its relationship to Lectio Divina.
This workshop promises to be a fun, creative, interactive approach to uncovering meaning in a piece of writing. Perhaps you remember a sermon Jim Hornor gave about his reaction to experiencing hypertexting. He’d like to pass on the experience to us.
When: Saturday, October 26 10 a.m.-noon
Facilitator: Jim Hornor