On Generosity and Giving

God’s creation is good:  “The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.”Genesis 1:12

What am I grateful for at St. Paul’s?

by Susan Brown

I am grateful to my St. Paul’s family for the love and acceptance I am shown every week when I accompany the hymns on the keyboard.  This love and acceptance lifts me up and gives me the freedom to sing my heart out.  I feel like I am praying to God in the most sincere way when I sing, and even more so when I am filled with joy by the shining, happy faces around me.  The 9:30 service fills me, heart and soul, with a desire to reach out to my fellows.  I am part of a family, something bigger.  When we pray together, I am connected to God by the compassion, humility and humor we share as worshipers.  It is as if I can understand how God can love me, with all my imperfections.  I hope that I can help other people feel God’s love, as well.  It was so difficult to come to these simple sentiments, to put them down in words, but I finally did it.  I am grateful for St. Paul’s Church and the people inside who love me and in so doing, have helped me to deepen my personal relationship with God.