Lenten Supper, Study, and Sharing
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, Nazi Resister
Four Tuesdays—March 7, 14, 21, 28. (The Sunday following is designated as a snow date.)
Supper: 5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m. Forum and discussion: 6:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Our parishwide Lenten study this year will focus on a film by the Emmy-winning filmmaker Martin Doblmeier—Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, Nazi Resister. This is a dramatic documentary about the world-famous German theologian, who willingly abandoned a promising teaching career in the United States to return to his homeland at a critical and dangerous juncture.
In four evenings we will explore, through Bonhoeffer’s own words and through the words of people who knew him, what drove him to do what he did: to bravely break away from the mainline German Church, even forming his own seminary, and to resist what he saw as evil, even at the cost of his own life. As one reviewer said, “What the film does is anecdotally present the growth of Bonhoeffer’s theology from the conventional Lutheranism of his upbringing into a kind of social activism in which the actions of one’s life are what brings one to Christ.”
Please join your fellow parishioners for supper, study, and conversation about this twentieth century martyr, whose moral courage and convictions led him to prison and hanging by the Nazis just days before the Allies arrived. Bonhoeffer stands as a powerful example of belief in action.
Presenters: Charles Arnold, Sarah Arnold, the Rev. Carolyn Eklund, Macauley Lord