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Window Dressers information sessions May 15 & 16

Why now!? Learn about Brunswick area storm window build

Monday, May 15, 7:00 – 7:45PM at the Curtis Public Library, Seminar Room

Tuesday May 16 at 7:00 – 7:45PM  at the Topsham Library

The dog days are coming… So why think about winter and heating bills now!?

Because this is the third year of the Brunswick-Topsham-Bath “community build” to make insulating window inserts. You can join others to help save energy, create community, and have a good time by participating as a volunteer or if you want inserts for your home.

In collaboration with the WindowDressers, a Maine-based nonprofit, short informational sessions will be held at the

  • Brunswick Library on Monday May 15 at 7PM 
  • Topsham Library on Tuesday May 16 at 7PM

Come find out all you need to know to participate in making handsome, energy efficient and money saving inserts next fall.  These sessions are being held now because measuring by local volunteers takes place in just a few weeks.

WindowDressers supplies all the tools, materials and pre-cut, pre-drilled pine frames needed for the assembly process.  Last year they worked with 15 Maine communities to build over 6,000 inserts.  Volunteers, including those acquiring the inserts, collaborate to put them together.  WD reserves 20-25% of their output for special low-income pricing.

Join us at the Brunswick Library on Monday May15 at 7PM or Tuesday at the Topsham Library on Tuesday May 16 at 7PM to hear more. Or call Sam at 838-9843 or Dana at 319-4992 if you would like more information.