Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 2017
St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard

First Sundays, Life Together at 9:00 am
Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 2017
Photo from last week

9:00 First Sundays, Life Together at 9:00 am

Gospel Lesson – John 7:37-39 – The Spirit and Living Water
Wear your RED!! Come wave a Pentecost Wand!! Celebrate the Church’s Birthday!

**if you’d like to read a part of the Gospel in another language, please email Carolyn or Sherrie!
If you can, please bring something to share for our celebratory coffee hour. There will be cake!!
Please pray for David Talmage, Hannah Hartman, and Rosa Leigh as the day of their baptism approaches. “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.”
Pray for our graduates- High School: Ethan Caleb Mendez (Claude Brancart’s grandson); Riley Cyr (granddaughter of Mary Lee & Rick Wile), Robert Mulligan (grandson of Jean & Bob Mulligan) College: Ryan Watt (Ellen and Alan Shaver’s grandson), Hannah Judd (Bob and Cristle Judd’s daughter)
** We have 3 more Sundays for 9:30am Worship & Fellowship Cafe: June 11, June 18, and June 25. If you would like to bring something: cheese/yogurt/baked good/fruit veggies – let Sherrie know! Thank you!! **
Dates to Remember:

Saturday, June 10, noon-3pm – Juneteenth celebration (with Abyssinian Meeting House) – Join us for games and crafts for the kids, a picnic and music. Juneteenth is the celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation that reached as far as Texas in June of the year 1865. It freed the slaves! Our theme is ‘Emancipation Proclamation: Freedom to Share Our Stories!’
Wednesday, June 21, 5:30-7pm Cook-out , planned by Family Ministry Team
Sunday, June 25, Last Sunday for 9:30 service
July 2, 9:00 am Outdoor Worship
August 6, 9:00 am Outdoor Worship