St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard -6/22


The Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 25, 2017   9:30 am

Photos from last week

Praying and celebrating together

Families, we hope you’re able to join us this Sunday! We’ll create a Psalm together, give you a prayer booklet to take home, and we’ll all receive a blessing for summer.
9:20 Arrive early to warm up your voices!

9:30 Family Worship

Gospel Lesson – Matthew 10:24-39 – God Knows Us

10:15 Fellowship Cafe – enjoy time together and a snack. Thank you to all those who have helped with our family coffee hours. This week we give special thanks to Jane Redlon and Emily Talmage.

Camp Bishopswood  Located in the beautiful woods of mid-coast Maine, Bishopswood is an Episcopal coed overnight camp affordable and open to all youths ages 6-16. Some openings remain for children, and even “mini-camps” open to ages 6-8 year olds to learn about being a camper, only spending two nights away from home.

New this year: Summer Finale Week (August 21-27th) – stay with your family in a cabin or a tent for a half-week or full- week for the Camp Bishopswood experience. Relax and play in God’s Creation! Scholarships are available; see Carolyn, the Rector.

Dates to Remember:

July 2, 9:00 am Outdoor Worship

August 6, 9:00 am Outdoor Worship

Every Sunday in summer, One Service at 9:00 am