What to Expect: Prep for the Final Phase!
In preparation for the work to begin in January 2019, the Construction Committee discussed overall planning with Moore Painting. As the major contractor renting the lift, we suggested that Brian of Moore Painting act as a “Clerk of Works” to coordinate the players. It was a logical recommendation and a good choice. On 18 December, all of the contractors were assembled to discuss timing and walk around the site. The electrician (not selected at that time) and the insulation firm (I&S) were not in attendance. It was a good meeting that resolved several questions.
Some examples of issues resolved: Electrical contractor will remove vestibule chandelier during construction and later reinstall it. The Perpetual Sanctuary Light (candle) will be removed and reinstalled by Moore Painting. In the interim, the mechanism that raises/lowers the light will be repaired. I & S (later) advised caution regarding fumes from spray undercroft insulation. Decision was made that church operations will operate on a minimal basis during insulation installation. The nave will be sealed off during lead abatement, but this will not include the sacristy which will be available for use at all times. The organ pipe enclosure wall will be painted from the top down to a logical smooth cut-off. ServPro will clean Air Pods. Moore Painting will remove existing brackets in the ceiling that are no longer used. Contractors will coordinate with the church office regarding keys and entry issues.
Insulation will be done first. The spray foam insulation in the undercroft will be installed in early January, before the work in the nave begins. Fumes will probably required us to vacate the building during its application. Installation of loose pack cellulose insulation in the walls and ceiling will immediately follow. (Note: As this report was being prepared, foam insulation was installed in quick order on 2 January. Prior to installation, the nave was sealed and equipped to create “back pressure.” As a result, fumes (that quickly dissipated) were never a problem.
Electrical work below is delineated with an asterisk (*) because there are two phases. The work listed below concerns the nave – something that needs to be coordinated with other contractors. However, upgrades to lighting in the annex can be done according to a flexible schedule, depending on the electrician’s availability and access to the various area.
Here’s a rough outline of the schedule:
Jan 2-3 I & S Insulation Foam in undercroft & cellulose in attic
Jan 6 Congregation Final service in the nave until April.
Jan 7 Faucher & Moore Organ pipe removal & protection
Jan 16 – 18 Fraser Ruwet Remove pews & carpet
Jan 21 Moore Painting Scissor lifts (2) delivered
Jan 21 – 25 Hedstrom Electrical Electrical rough-in*
Jan 28 – Feb 1 Moore Painting Lead paint abatement (starting in vestibule)
Feb 4 – 22 ServPro Cleaning (starting in vestibule)
Feb 25 – Mar 15 Moore Painting Painting (starting in vestibule)
Mar 18 – 22 Maine Art Glass Cleaning & repair stained glass windows
TBD Hedstrom Electrical Electrical finish work*
Mar 22 Moore Painting Scissor lifts removed
Mar 25 – 29 C & S Flooriing Plywood and carpeting installation
Apr 1 – 5 Fraser Ruwet Pew installation
Faucher Reinstall and tune organ pipes
Apr 8 – 12 ServPro Post construction cleaning
Apr 14 Congregation Return