Put the Candle Back!
Some of you might recall that familiar line from the classic Mel Brooks comedy, “Young Frankenstein.”

Well, this week we put more than the candle back. Over the past three days there has been a flurry of activity in the nave as we prepare to return there for worship on Palm Sunday.
On Monday and Tuesday ServPro technicians removed the dust and the remaining construction detritus, polished the wood, and put some items back into place.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, members of the construction team, Men’s Group, staff and rector continued to prepare the nave for worship this coming Sunday.
A brief list of items moved include: the baptismal font, the altar and its underlying carpet, pews and benches, lecterns, chairs, boxes of hymnals and prayer books, desks, tables, and cushions.
On Wednesday, Faucher Organ technicians reinstalled the organ pipes and began re-tuning the organ.
Attached photos show some of what was done as this project nears its completion.