
We’re Back!

On 14 April 2019 and on schedule, St. Paul’s parishioners returned to the nave for Palm Sunday services.

Meeting in the Great Hall and singing “All Glory, Laud and Honor” as it was played on organ in the nave, worshipers paraded back to the nave.
It was a joyous and glorious occasion.

The new lighting reflected beautifully off of the freshly painted walls. The new carpet and refinished pews added nicely to the atmosphere. In a surprise to all, the clean walls improved the nave’s acoustics. It
was if the sound system had also been upgraded. This is the final posting for this blog. We have many received favorable comments from parishioners both in Maine and elsewhere in the country.

Thanks to all who have supported Seasons of Renewal in spirit, financially and/or with their time and expertise. If you can, please join us on 5 May when we will greet and welcome the contractors who helped make this renovation possible.