St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard – April 16, 2020

     Blessings to St. Paul’s Beloved Family Eucharist Congregation! 
The Rev. Katie Holicky, our new assistant rector for children and youth, will start her ministry with St. Paul’s on Monday, April 27. 2020.  
On Wednesday, April 29 at 4:30 p.m., you are invited to a “virtual” celebration in order to meet Katie and to get to know her. She wants to get to know you too! Here is the Zoom link.  The meeting password is “Welcome”.
Her first Sunday with us will be on May 3rd at 10:30 a.m. Morning Prayer on Facebook Live. But join us at 9:30 a.m. that day on Zoom before worship for Bible Story time. Here is the link for the weekly Bible story time. The meeting password is “church”.
This Sunday
Join us this Sunday, April 19, the 2nd Sunday of Easter9:30 – 10:10 a.m. Bible Story time on Zoom.Here is the link for the weekly Bible story time. The meeting password is “church”.

10:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, on the Facebook live feed
Connecting to Worship on Facebook LiveYou don’t need to have a Facebook account to watch the livestream or recorded videos. Click here to get to our Facebook videos directly.  If you miss joining live, you can watch the recordings later. Here are instructions on how to connect on Facebook Live.
How to find a Service BulletinYou can access a PDF document of the service booklets, which include hymns to follow, on the St. Paul’s websiteYou can always find this week’s Bulletin and Announcements on our website.  It’s in the “This Week” section.

Wednesday, April 22 is Earth Day

The Earth Day Network has posted ideas for ways to make a difference on Earth Day while at home. Here’s a link to read the full article and below is an excerpt with one set of suggested activities you’ll find on the site.  Do an eco-friendly activity – no matter your age
From Helen Rose, Faith Outreach Coordinator: We’re all grappling with changes to our daily lives, and these changes affect everyone. I recently repurposed some of our faith toolkits for in-home use, coming up with some resources for ways to engage people of all ages during the coronavirus pandemic. Take a look – I’m sure you’ll find something to renew your spirit: 

Ages 4 & Up: Reduce Bird CollisionsAges 7 & Up: Make a Bee Condo
Ages 10 & Up: Plan and Invasive Species Clean-Up
Ages 12 & Up: Plan a Wildflower Garden
Intergenerational Activity: Watershed Wilma/Wilbur Sculpture

Fun Things for Families
Illustrated Children’s Ministries is offering free weekly online resources here. Building Faith has a helpful article about how to talk about COVID-19 with your children, found here.
Don’t forget the joy and stillness from the practice of finger labyrinths
Read the Sunday Paper here.

How St. Paul’s is Staying ConnectedConnecting by PhoneA team led by Hugh Savage and Cliff Ruprecht are standing by to join our Lay Pastoral Visitors to deliver meals to any parishioner in need. They also will connect by phone with parishioners who might feel more isolated by our closing.  If you or someone you know would benefit from a call please let us know. Volunteers are also welcome. Please email the Parish Office or call and leave a message on the phone 207-725-5342.
The Work of the Church / MeetingsWe are working to find alternate ways to connect digitally in small groups and for meetings. Regularly meeting small groups are starting to meet virtually using the internet and phones if video is not available.  Watch your email for more information from your group leaders.  Any group leader interested in having your group meet virtually please be in contact with the parish office by email at We have instructions and can walk you through the process. Zoom (video calls) already happening include:Holy Stitchers, Men’s Group, Women’s Group, Prayer Group, Healing Prayer Team, Women’s Bible Study, Finance Committee, Vestry, Rectors and Warden’s meetings, Staff meetings and Church School.
New ways for St. Paul’s to be together in Christ and on ZOOM:

  •  Zoom Choir gathering every Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30pm
  •  Sunday morning Zoom family Bible story time from 9:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m.
  •  Thursday, Healing Noonday Prayer weekly 11:00 a.m.

The Parish Office We have invested in the capability to work digitally as an administrative staff from our homes. The Parish Office will be utilized only by the limited few (entering one at a time) who need to keep us updated financially and check the mail. Those who have emergency financial needs may come to St. Paul’s on Wednesday between 10:00 am-Noon to meet with the Rector. When you arrive at the entrance off the parking lot, please use the intercom-the small black box to the right of the door-to let us know you’re there.

Thank You for Keeping up with Your Pledge – Because we will be continuing to pay our bills, we are even more grateful for electronic giving. To make your electronic Easter offering to St. Paul’s go to to stpaulsmaine.orgor text your gift amount and the word Easter to (207) 407-5069. And we will be receiving mail in our PO Box 195, so feel free to mail your check. Thank you!Do you have at home records of any St. Paul’s organization?  If so, the archivist and the history sub-committee would love to see them.  We are trying to build as complete a picture of church life as we can, including details of parish activities.  It would be great if you felt you could donate any records; please give them to Charlie Priest ( and if you want the records back for some reason, please talk let him know.  Thank you!
How to Help and Where to Find Help in Maine

Connect to Maine Helps

Local Brunswick Support Resources:
Support Brunswick Facebook page
Fred Horch’s Support Brunswick Resource Guide
Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program – Please consider donating extra food items so that all of our friends and neighbors can have food during this challenging time. MCHPP will see a sharp increase for their services as this crisis deepens. Please bring your food directly to MCHPP, not to St. Paul’s. They will continue to accept drop off food donations but ask that donations be brought between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. or between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday to minimize the impact to their operations and help reduce the number of people on their campus at any given time. Checks are also needed. Please send checks directly to Mid Coast Hunger Prevention at 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011.  Thank you!
With much love and faith,
Carolyn+Read the Bishop’s Directions on Worship, Meetings and Distancing.
*Link to CDC
**St. Paul’s Pastoral Quarantine Plan
Link to Diocesan Resources