Greetings from St. Paul’s 5.29.20

With a letter in the attached Messenger, here’s a brief update from the Saint Paul’s Future Planning Committee from May 27 when we discussed in depth the many comments/input received from the two town hall discussions held last Sunday. There is a deep longing to reconnect personally with each other. Many deeply desire to partake in the eucharist. Woven within these desires is also a sense of caution that holds many of us back. As we discussed what we had heard, we know that there is personal responsibility in protecting others while realizing that we must accept responsibility for how much to risk for ourselves and others. Shortly, we will be asking for your thoughts in a survey on several issues, keyed to the following. This is not a vote, but we do want a sense of the community.

Gathering: The bishop has stated that there will be no in-house worship through June. However, we are exploring small group gatherings outside in the garden and perhaps other spaces. Number of participants, level of interest, type of gathering, and mechanics were discussed.

Contemplation: Opening the church, a part of the nave, for individual contemplation could be allowed in June in coordination with expanded office hours. Some things under consideration: assigning a time, limited use, having chairs instead of using the pews, arranging for post-use sanitization.

Eucharist: The prohibition of in-house worship means no partaking of the Holy Eucharist in the traditional sense. This will be a deep disappointment to many. Carolyn and Katie are in deep discernment to determine what other options exist. Even so, will those options be subject to what is described below?

The “experience”: A decision was also made not to open Camp Bishopswood this season. One of the main reasons behind the decision was that the “camp experience” would not be possible. We can learn from this. While many want to gather, all must realize that it might not be what they expect and/or remember from before. Separation, pockets of families, tables positioned at safe distances mean contact and togetherness will be “of a sort.”

Equity: Much of what we do now is electronic. Who among us does not have access to email, Zoom, Facebook, etc.? This is of concern.

Please look for the upcoming survey. We seek your input.
Pat Ryan and Paul Womer, St. Paul’s Future Planning Committee Co-Chairs 

The June Issue of The Messenger
Click here for The Messenger  
The Messenger may also be found on the St. Paul’s website
Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020
10:30 Morning Prayer, on Facebook Live 

Click to link to Worship Booklet
Click to link to Announcements

Click here to join the Zoom Coffee Hour Sunday, at 11:30 am 
Click here for a Zoom meeting How-To & Tips
Readings Psalm 104:25-35, 37       Acts 2:1-211 Corinthians 12:3b-13    John 20:19-23 
The Lectionary Page 
Prayer Requests
Pray for the victims of gunfire and those who have lost a loved one to gun violence.
Pray for The Vicarage, families and staff.Pray for Anderson, Andrew, Cedric, Jason, Michael, Richard, and all in the military.
Pray for those who have died remembering especially Cam Smith who died on Tuesday. “Rest eternal, grant to him; and let light perpetual shine upon him.” Pray for Peg and their family.
Also pray for Allen Graffam who died this week, father of Kyra Whiting and father-in-law of Matthew Whiting. “May he rest with the angels.” 
We pray for:
Christy, Mathew, Ryan & family, Ethel, Norma, Riley, Ray, David, Judi, Carolyn B., Nick, Bob, Dave, Eleanor, Peggy, Alan, Sam, Matt, Linda, Kathy, Skip, the Blackburn family, Cathy, Willow, Roxanne, Avery, Sara, Tierra, Ann, Allen, Bill, Susan, and Jessica Bernie, Reeve, Victor, Travis & family, Ben, Kerry, Sally, Diane, Therese, Caleb, Sarah, Nate, Sue, Elijah, Cadin, Bridget, Steve, Ted, Garrett, Elliot, Marcia, Lakshmi in thanksgiving, Cameron, Hannah, Lynn, Caroline, and Cokey B. and husband Jo Carol, Don, Priscilla, Rick, Alison, Rick, Trent, Betsey, Anne, Bruce, Jeannie, the Hawkes family, Sophia, Rhonda, Emily, Steve, Marnie, Dean, baby Thomas, Gair, Laurie, Sharon and family, June and Alan, Annie, Sarah, Carole, Patrick, and Liam

Call or email the parish office if you would like a name to be placed on the prayer list. The names will be removed after three months, unless otherwise notified. 
St. Paul’s Online This Week
Click to Join
Sunday 5/31
Zoom 9:00 am Youth Prayer
Zoom 9:30 am Family Worship
Facebook 10:30 am Morning Prayer
Zoom 11:30 am Virtual Coffee Hour
Zoom 1:00 pm Middle & High Schoolers 

Facebook 7:30 am Morning Prayer
Facebook 7:30 pm Compline
Tuesday 6/2
Zoom 9:30 am Holy Stitchers
Zoom 12:30 pm Bible Study
Wednesday 6/3
See meeting format
7:30 am Contact Al Niese 406-2396 Rick Wile 756-0095 Paul Womer 449-7425
Zoom7:00 pm Choir
Thursday 6/4
Zoom11:00 am Healing Prayer Service
Zoom Noon Prayer Group