The St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard 6.18.20

St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard
Blessings to St. Paul’s Beloved Family Eucharist Congregation! 
Small Groups for Families!

Are you interested in participating in a family small group? Small groups have begun to gather outdoors at St. Paul’s. Please reach out to Katie via email at so we can create groups!
Each group will follow safety protocols: keeping distance, masks when age appropriate, etc.

Last week our first family group gathered on a rainy day and took cover for some stories and crafts!

All Things Youth
Hello St. Paul’s Middle and High School Youth!

Middle and High School Youth GatheringsAt the request of our youth we will be gathering twice on Sundays. Join us for prayers at 9 a.m. and stay for family worship. Youth group will be later in the afternoon. Please note we will use the same Zoom for both gatherings. 

This Sunday, June 21
Check in and Prayer 9 a.m. via ZoomYouth Group 1-2 p.m. via Zoom Click Link to join
Meeting ID: 966 1711 1762
Password: church
High Schoolers: Don’t forget you are always invited to participate in the Diocese of Maine Youth weekly Compline. Fridays at 8 p.m. 
Click Link to join, or call (301) 715-8592Meeting ID: 912 2904 6535 
Join Us for Worship
Join us this Sunday, June 21, the Third Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 a.m. Rev. Katie Holicky will lead us in a time of song, prayer, story and sharing with our friends! 
Here is the link for the Zoom gathering.
10:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, on the Facebook live feed
11:30 a.m. Virtual Coffee Hour on Zoom. Here is the Zoom link.
Sunday Paper Junior
To read, print and color the Sunday Paper Junior, click here.
Fun Things for Families
NEW for the Summer!  Summer Activity Pack is brought to you by Church Publishing and is a great free summer resource.
Here are some helpful resources to keep you and your family faithfully connecting during this season at home.  
Family Sunday School brought to you by SparkHouse! Enjoy some faith based family time. This resource includes a video with songs and stories, an info/ activity sheet and coloring page! 
Building Faith Brick by Brick brings Legos and Bible stories together for this playful way to explore scripture. Parents, all questions/ prompts are included in each lesson! 
Enjoy some Bible Stories brought us by Godly Play. Well suited for the youngest among us.From paper print outs to how to make-your-own 3D labyrinths, use these ideas for finger labyrinths for a grounding moment. 
Parents and teens, are you looking for a way to deepen your daily prayer practice? Pray As You Go.
Here is a helpful website, also available as an app for your smartphone or tablet, that offers you a daily practice of readings, prayers and even musically Psalms!
Here are some helpful articles for talking with your children about COVID-19.*Building Faith has a helpful article about how to talk about COVID-19 with your children.
The CDC has also provided some helpful information for supporting children during this time.
Resources for Racial Justice
Family Sermon by Rev. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones about the sin of racism.
list of resources from some Epsicoapl friends in North Carolina. Book Lists: (various social justice topics, including racial justice)
Social Justice Books; A Teaching for Change Project Act for Social Justice Embrace Race: “Diverse” Books for Children
The Episcopal Church, “Sacred Ground”
Sacred Ground Program on Race and Faith

As a parish we have registered for this 10 session film-based dialogue program on race and faith. “Sacred Ground” is designed to promote gentle and deep conversations for white parishioners to understand ourselves in the context of racial justice and inequality. If you’d like to participate, please email or
Podcast Series on Hope
Podcast Series Begins June 15

Faith in Maine begins an eight-week series of audio essays on the concept of hope by Rev. Martin Smith. The series runs Monday, June 15 until Monday, August 3. 
Find Faith in Maine at or anywhere you download podcasts.
Newcomers Gatherings
Welcome Newcomers!

Following CDC guidelines, St. Paul’s will be offering small outdoor fellowship groups. The first groups will be Vestry sponsored Newcomers Gatherings this Sunday, June 21 and and next Sunday, June 28.  We invite St. Paul’s Newcomers to join us as you feel comfortable doing so. For more information please contact Patsy Oehl at 844-8332.
How St. Paul’s is Staying Connected

Parish Office Staff Hours for June and July:Beginning June 1 to end of July 2020 (Possibly August, provided no one tests positive and the outbreaks in our area reduce).

Precautions to Observe While you are in the building of St. Paul’s

We want parishioners and guests to be able to contact staff members in person while at the same time we take the Maine CDC recommended precautions.

The hallway off the Union Street parking lot to the office and the office itself are the only areas open.

Call or email the staff member working that day to alert them you’ll be coming and use the intercom at the parking lot door to call them to open the door when you arrive.

Wear a mouth and nose covering when in the building. We have a mask to give you.

Use hand sanitizer to wash hands. (Restrooms and kitchen will be closed.)

We will provide hand sanitizer stations along the hallway off the Union Street parking lot. Please be sure to sign in.

Observe distancing precautions: 6 feet apart.No more than four will be in the building at a time
Spotlight on St. Paul’s Small Groups
Featured This Week: Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Study group has provided a safe and welcoming environment where women can not only explore the stories that form the basis for our faith, but also how we turn to Scripture for strength, guidance and comfort through the joyful and difficult times of our lives. Through listening and sharing our faith journeys with each other, we have deepened our understanding of how very special we are to God and how much we are loved.
Currently we are studying the Gospel of Matthew. We meet from 12:30 to 1:30 on Tuesdays using Zoom. The meeting is open to women of the Parish, and newcomers are always welcomed. We have chosen to continue meeting throughout the summer. When the Church is once again open, we will resume meeting in the Library.
If you have any questions, please call Terry Howell at 729-9306 or e-mail at:  
Camp Bishopswood Update
Letter from Camp Bishopswood

Located in the beautiful woods of mid-coast Maine, Bishopswood is an Episcopal coed overnight camp affordable and open to all youths ages 6-16. The staff of Camp Bishopswood work year round to prepare the camp for the summer season. However, this summer, Camp Bishopswood will not be open to campers. Please consider making a contribution to help with costs of maintaining the camp and staff, “Dear Friends,We at Bishopswood have been following the developments of this pandemic over the last few months and working very closely with organizations such as Maine Summer Camps, the American Camping Association, the State of Maine, and the CDC. As our country continues to struggle with the containment of Covid-19, we feel it is time to make the responsible decision to cancel camp for the summer. This is one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make, as we know how incredibly beneficial this experience is for everyone involved. At this moment, we feel we cannot balance the health and welfare of all campers and staff while maintaining a camp experience. A lot of investments and preparations are made in advance throughout the year, which cannot be recouped at this point…”
This is a partial statement by Camp Executive Director, Michael Douglass which offers a full refund to campers who had already registered.
How to Help and Where to Find Help in Maine
Click image to connect
Resources in Brunswick

Link to Support Brunswick Facebook page 
Link to Fred Horch’s Support Brunswick Resource Guide 
St. Paul’s Online This Week
Click to Join
Sunday 6/21
Zoom 9:30 am Family Story, Prayer & Sharing
Facebook 10:30 am Sunday Morning Prayer
Zoom 11:30 am Virtual Coffee Hour 
Zoom1:00 pm Middle & High Schoolers
contact Patsy Oehl at 844-83321:00 pm
Newcomers Gathering
Facebook 7:30 am Morning Prayer
Facebook 7:30 pm Compline
Tuesday 6/23
Zoom 9:30 am Holy Stitchers
Zoom 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday 6/24
Link to Meeting Format 7:30 am Men’s Group –
contact Al Niese at 406-2396 Rick Wile at 756-0095 or Paul Womer at 449-7425
Zoom 7:00 pm Choir
Thursday 6/25
Zoom 11:00 am Healing Prayer Service
Zoom Noon Prayer Group