June 26, 2020: Greetings from St. Paul’s
The Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 28, 2020 10:30 Morning Prayer, on Facebook Live
Family Worship
Sunday, June 28, 9:30 a.m.
Rev. Katie Holicky will lead us in a time of song, prayer, story and sharing with our friends!
Here is the link for the Zoom gathering.
Parish Announcements
Daily Morning Prayer and Compline – Join us every morning and evening on St. Paul’s Facebook Live for Morning Prayer and Compline, 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Newcomers Gatherings – Following CDC guidelines, St. Paul’s
will be offering small outdoor fellowship groups. The second
Vestry-sponsored Newcomers Gathering will be held today at 1:00 p.m. at
the Carol and Macauley Lord’s home. It’s not too late to RSVP please
contact Patsy Oehl at 844-8332.
The Episcopal Church, “Sacred Ground Dialogue Series.” As
a parish we have registered for this 10 session film-based dialogue
program on race and faith. The three groups are presently full. Please
contact the Parish Office at stpauls@stpaulsmaine.org
if you’d like your name added to the list for the next group for later in the fall.
Podcast Series on Hope Faith
in Maine offers a series of audio essays on the concept of hope by Rev.
Martin Smith. The series runs Monday, June 15 until Monday, August 3.
Find Faith in Maine at http://faithinmaine.org/ or anywhere you download podcasts.
Parish Office Staff Hours for June and July:
Beginning June 1 to end of July 2020 (Possibly August, provided no one tests positive and the outbreaks in our area reduce).

Precautions to Observe While you are in the building of St. Paul’s We want parishioners and guests to be able to contact staff members in person while at the same time we take the Maine CDC recommended precautions.The hallway off the Union Street parking lot to the office and the office itself are the only areas open. Call or email the staff member working that day to alert them you’ll be coming and use the intercom at the parking lot door to call them to open the door when you arrive.Wear a mouth and nose covering when in the building. We have a mask to give you.Use hand sanitizer to wash hands. (Restrooms and kitchen will be closed.) We will provide hand sanitizer stations along the hallway off the Union Street parking lot.Please be sure to sign in. Observe distancing precautions: 6 feet apart.No more than four will be in the building at a time. |
Prayer Requests
Pray for the congregations of All Saints’ in Skowhegan and St. Mark’s in Waterville, and for our nation on our upcoming Independence Day. Pray for Anderson, Andrew, Cedric, Jason, Michael, Richard, and all in the military.Thanksgivings for the birth of Bill Edman’s great granddaughter, Ember Maire Geber. We pray for: Christy, Mathew, Ryan & fami-ly, Ethel, Ray, John, David, Judi, Carolyn B., Nick, Bob, Linda, Kathy, Skip, the Black-burn family, Willow, Tierra, Bill, Ann, Susan, Jessica, Jim, Patrick, Bill, Herb and BobReeve, Victor, Travis & family, Ben, Diane, Nate, Elijah, Priscilla, Rick R., Alison, Garrett, Elliot, Marcia, Han-nah, Lynn, Caroline, Cokey B. and husband Jo, Peter, Carolyn, and Patricia Melissa & family, the Hawkes family, Marnie, Gair, Sharon and family, baby Thomas, Jason, Peg & family, Annie, Sarah, Carole, Patrick, Liam, Arline, Franklin, Terry, Mark, and Alan Call or email the parish office if you would like a name to be placed on the prayer list. The names will be removed after three months, unless otherwise notified. |
Community Information
The Gathering Place has re-opened in a limited fashion Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 until 11:30. A limit of 12 guests are permitted inside and masks are required. Guests may remain for one hour, after which time new guests are allowed in. Many infrastructure changes have been made to reduce the risk of spreading the corona virus to guests and volunteers. Snacks and beverages are not allowed at this time. Volunteers provide companionship and help with technology for accessing resources. For more information, please visit http://brunswickgatheringplace.org/ |
Local Brunswick Support Resources:
St. Paul’s Online This Week
Click to Join
Sunday 6/28
Zoom 9:30 am Family Story, Prayer & Sharing
Facebook 10:30 am Sunday Morning Prayer
Zoom 11:30 am Virtual Coffee Hour
Zoom 1:00 pm Middle & High Schoolers
contact Patsy Oehl at 844-8332 1:00 pm Newcomers Gathering
Facebook 7:30 am Morning Prayer
Facebook 7:30 pm Compline
Tuesday 6/30
Zoom 9:30 am Holy Stitchers
Zoom 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study
Wednesday 7/1
Link to Meeting Format 7:30 am Men’s Group – contact Al Niese at 406-2396 Rick Wile at 756-0095 or Paul Womer at 449-7425
Zoom 7:00 pm Choir T
hursday 7/2
Zoom 11:00 am Healing Prayer Service
Zoom Noon Prayer Group