July 3, 2020: Note from The Rev. Carolyn Eklund

This morning I joined the Facebook Livestream of Morning Prayer. I so enjoy saying the prayers with the volunteers who lead us twice a day in prayer online. There is a section at the end of the Morning Prayer service devoted exclusively for prayers. This morning I was reminded of the vast resource of wonderful prayers located in our Book of Common Prayer. Our deacon the Rev. Mary Lee Wile and her spouse Rick Wile led us in the prayer this morning on page 821, “For Sound Government.” In this prayer we acknowledge God as our Governor, “O Lord our Governor, bless the leaders of our land, that we may be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to other nations of the earth.” And it goes on with hope from there.

As we celebrate this Independence Day of 2020, I wish us all peace, health and courage to take action to help stem the infection rate of this virus and to be compassionate citizens for those who are suffering.

LIVESTREAM FROM THE ST. PAUL’S NAVEBe sure to join the Facebook Live Stream this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. when we offer 

Sunday Morning Prayer from the St. Paul’s Nave. We were there during Lent and March 15 was the last time we were in-person with pews filled. Randy Day our Music Ministry Director will be playing the organ and I will be officiating. The church will still be closed and our lay readers, preacher the Rev. Mary Lee Wile, and intercessor will be reading from home on Zoom. But we will be able to see our beautiful worship space and pray there virtually. I will arrive wearing a mask as I open all the windows and doors for fresh air. Because Randy on the organ has his back to the Officiant and will be over 20 feet away from me, I will conduct the service without a mask. Zoom Coffee Hour will then commence.  I am very happy to be returning to worship in the Nave. Thank you Bonny Labonte and Karen Rienert for wearing your masks and making sure the Chancel is ready for worship.

Thank you, Abigail Manny Patterson for arranging the Independence Day celebratory flowers.


Finally, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Brown just celebrated his first year as our bishop. I invite you to share your thoughts and congratulations with him. He has guided us well during the pandemic, making sure clergy groups of support have been formed and hosting weekly Town Hall Diocesan Zoom meetings in order to share information. He has been a source of courage and great communication. One of the ongoing projects that he has initiated is a once-a-month recorded worship service of Sunday Morning Prayer during which he preaches, readers from around the diocese are recorded reading Scripture and musicians are “sound-engineered” singing hymns. The next date that this recorded service will be offered is Sunday, July 26. St. Paul’s will offer this Morning Prayer service at 10:30 a.m. instead of our Facebook Livestream. 

We are looking for volunteers to read and participate in the music. Please contact our assistant rector, The Rev. Katie Holicky as soon as possible if you wish to participate. Thank you to those of you who already have stepped forward!

Peace and happiness to us all this Independence Day,Carolyn+