July 10, 2020: Note from The Rev. Carolyn Eklund

Many of you know that I will be taking vacation this summer from July 17 to August 18. My sabbatical that was planned for this summer has been postponed until next June. So, this time away will be to rest and “recharge.”  As a parish, we have been adapting daily to the realities and changes that the pandemic has foisted upon us. And we’ve been worshiping and ministering with grace. Nothing has ended, only changed… A LOT!!

I’ll be taking my dog Sophie to a cabin on Flanders Bay and there we will enjoy Down East Maine, one of our favorite places to visit. Thank you for the opportunity to get away this summer. Thank you for the strong leaders we have in place, our Wardens, Cliff Ruprecht and Johanna Wigg, our excellent Vestry and staff. The Rev. Katie Holicky will be the Officiant for the bulk of our services and the Rev. Mary Lee Wile is scheduled as well. Randy Day will be playing the organ on Sundays and is recruiting others to offer recorded selections of music. 

On Sunday, July 26 at 10:30 a.m. the pre-recorded “Spiritual Eucharist” will be our St. Paul’s worship that day, offered by the Diocese of Maine. Join us as it will feature members of St. Paul’s and our clergy. As a parish, we have made a commitment to offer a live stream of Daily Morning Prayer and Compline. It will be tended to by our faithful Lay Worship Leaders and clergy. Susan Tyler and Carolyn Farr will continue their administrative work, and our financial affairs are being reported regularly by Nancy Whitehouse, our Treasurer. How grateful we are!  While I’m away, the Friday email will feature articles written by members of the parish. Thank you, Cliff Ruprecht, Johanna Wigg, Pat Ryan, Paul Womer, Myrna Koonce, Katy Rivera, the Rev. Katie Holicky and the Rev. Mary Lee Wile.

Last weekend, in acknowledgement of Independence Day and the commitment of the Episcopal Church to celebrating our “liberty lived in righteousness and peace,” three ordained Episcopalian women leaders of color wrote an Independence Day theological essay. It names some of the racial injustices of the Church and reminds us of our Baptismal commitment as a way to hope for rebirth. It is a hard read, but perhaps we are ready to read it and ask God to kindle transformation in our hearts. I have included the link to this essay here. [link

May you and your loved ones find moments of rest this summer immersed in God’s love,
