Greetings from St. Paul’s 7.31.20

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost      
August 2, 2020
10:30 Morning Prayer Click to link to Worship Booklet 
NEW Click to Worship summary sheet
(An easy to print outline of worship for those with their own Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal) 
Click to link to Announcements

Click here to join the St. Paul’s Zoom Coffee Hour 
Sunday, at 11:30 am 
Click here for a Zoom meeting How-To & Tips

Genesis 32:22-31         Psalm 17:1-7,16
Romans 9:1-5        Matthew 14:13-21

The Lectionary Page 
Family Worship Sunday, August 2, 9:30 a.m. 
Rev. Katie Holicky and musician Susan Brown will lead us in a time of song, prayer, story and sharing with our friends! 
Here is the link for the Zoom gathering.
Click here for the 9:30 Family Worship Booklet
From your Future Planning Committee
We invite you to enjoy one rector’s rendition of You’ll Be Back from Hamilton.
Our thanks to Greg Millert for bringing it to our attention. Enjoy!” 

Dancing Priest Does Hamilton
Parish Announcements
The rector will be away through August 18. 
For any pastoral emergencies during this time, please contact The Rev. Katie Holicky, at and at (804)839-2833.

Daily Morning Prayer and Compline – Join us every morning and evening on St. Paul’s Facebook Live for Morning Prayer and Compline, 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 

Podcast Series on Hope Faith in Maine offers a series of audio essays on the concept of hope by Rev. Martin Smith.   The series runs Monday, June 15 until Monday, August 3.
Find Faith in Maine at or anywhere you download podcasts.

Other Online Summer Worship Offerings from Maine
World Too Beautiful – World Too Beautiful has returned for the summer!

This special earth-conscious service celebrating the beauty of creation, hosted by St. Luke’s Cathedral and funded in part by the diocesan New Initiative Fund, will be adapted to an online version. The good news about having to migrate online is that now people from all over can join in this musical and meditative gathering! Everyone is most welcome to participate at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5, and Wednesday, August 19.
Zoom Link to join by computer:
Meeting ID: 821 7619 2486
Phone: 1-301-715-8592

Parish Office Staff Hours for August:
(*with the exception of  8/5 & 8/12 for Rev. Carolyn Rev. Carolyn during her vacation when the office will be closed.)

Precautions to Observe While you are in the building of St. Paul’s
We want parishioners and guests to be able to contact staff members in person while at the same time we take the Maine CDC recommended precautions.

The hallway off the Union Street parking lot to the office and the office itself are the only areas open. Call or email the staff member working that day to alert them you’ll be coming and use the intercom at the parking lot door to call them to open the door when you arrive.

Wear a mouth and nose covering when in the building. We have a mask to give you.

Use hand sanitizer to wash hands. (Restrooms and kitchen will be closed.) We will provide hand sanitizer stations along the hallway off the Union Street parking lot.

Please be sure to sign in.

Observe distancing precautions: 6 feet apart.

No more than four will be in the building at a time.

Prayer Requests
Pray for the summer chapel congregations of St. James’ in Prouts Neck and Holy Trinity on Peak’s Island and for those serving in lay liturgical ministries.Pray for Anderson, Andrew, Cedric, Jason, Michael, Richard, and all in the military.Pray for those who have died especially Samuel Alan Smith, who died this week, brother of Jeff DeBlieu.

 We pray for:
Christy, Mathew, Ryan & family, Ethel, Ray, John, David, Judi, Carolyn B., Nick, Bob, Linda, Kathy, Skip, the Blackburn family, Willow, Tierra, Bill, Ann, Susan, Jessica, Jim, Lollie, Steve and JamesReeve, Victor, Travis & family, Ben, Diane, Nate, Elijah, Priscilla, Rick R., Alison, Garrett, Elliot, Marcia, Hannah, Lynn, Peter, Carolyn, Patricia, Patrick, Bill, Bob, Paul, Sue, Julie and MatthewMelissa & family, the Hawkes family, Marnie, Gair, Sharon and family, baby Thomas, Jason, Peg & family, Annie, Sarah, Carole, Patrick, Liam, Arline, Franklin, Terry, Mark, Alan, Ronda and Donelda.Call or email the parish office if you would like a name to be placed on the prayer list. The names will be removed after three months, unless otherwise notified.
St. Paul’s Celebrates 175 Years of Our Body of Christ        The St. Paul’s Gratitude Project of making and collecting 175 items of warm clothing is making continuous gradual progress.
      We have hit an exciting milestone – 100 items have been collected – but we could use your help to move us forward!
      The Holy Stitchers are industriously working on projects, many hats, scarves, mittens, and socks. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to join in, both in making items or in donating. Anyone who would like to use some of our “stash” of donated yarn should contact either Charla Spann or Carol Martin. (We have tubs of donated yarn in the attic. Fortunately, a good number of our items for the Gratitude Project are helping to use up at least a little of our collective stash.) At least part of the point of the Gratitude Project is to give us a concrete focus for the gratitude we feel for 175 years of congregational flourishing. At points, our existence may have seemed more a matter of survival, but survive we did, and we’re still here to worship in and serve our community.
Community Information 
Contribute to the Diocese-Wide Anti-Hunger Initiative
Join congregations and individuals in the diocese to help feed those in need and assist Maine farmers. This spring, the diocese and several parish partners purchased many pounds of Aroostook County potatoes. These were bought from farmers whose crops would have otherwise spoiled because they were unable to get them to market in the pandemic. They were driven by donated trucks to food pantries throughout the state.

The diocese is now expanding their response to local food insecurity beginning with a second purchase of 30,000 pounds or more of potatoes through the Maine Farmers Exchange. Their immediate goal is to raise $5,000 to purchase the next truckload and make shipping arrangements. Please consider making a contribution. You can donate by check made out to Episcopal Diocese of Maine with subject line “Food Insecurity Fund” mailed to:
Attn: John Hennessy
Episcopal Diocese of Maine
PO Box 4036
Portland, ME 04101

They also have set up some ways for you to give electronically:
Mobile app – Download the GivePlus mobile app on the App Store or on Google Play, enter our zip code “04101”, select “Episcopal Diocese of Maine” and give. 
Visit – Easily enter your donation from our website. Click on the “donate” button on the top of the home page. 

Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program
Our country is going through a very rough period now with the COVID-19 virus, high unemployment, and businesses not being able to operate at full capacity. Mid Coast Hunger is also going through a rough period. Many organizations, clubs, and churches that support their effort to feed the hungry have not been able to donate non-perishable items. They have had to use limited cash to purchase these items in order to meet the need. School will soon be in session and MCHPP will be feeding students whether in school or at home. We can continue to support them with donations. A check in any amount would be greatly appreciated. Please mail your check directly to them at 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick. Thank you for your continued support in this crucial time. Local Brunswick Support

St. Paul’s Online This Week
Click to Join
Sunday 7/26
Zoom 9:00 am Youth Prayer
Zoom 9:30 am Family Worship
Facebook 10:30 am Diocesan Worship
Zoom11:30 am Virtual Coffee Hour
In person at St. Paul’s Memorial Garden Zoom
(in case of rain)1:00 pm Middle & High Schoolers 
Facebook 7:30 am Morning Prayer
Facebook 7:30 pm Compline
Tuesday 7/28
Zoom 9:30 am Holy Stitchers
Zoom 12:30 pm Bible Study
Wednesday 7/29
See meeting format
7:30 am ContactAl Niese 406-2396 Rick Wile 756-0095 Paul Womer 449-7425
Contact leaders to receive updates each week
time and location dependent on weather. 
Contact Julia Walkling, 725-6353 or Pam Nugent, 737-2369
Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study
Thursday 7/30
Zoom11:00 am Healing Prayer Service
Zoom Noon Prayer Group
The group is taking a summer break Women’s Group