St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard 5-20-21

Blessings to St. Paul’s Beloved Family Eucharist Congregation!
Join us for Worship
On Pentecost Sunday & Other Outdoor Eucharist Sundays Family Worship moves to 2:00 pm
Once a month Family Worship will move from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm and meet outdoors in the Memorial Garden.  
Please bring your own bread and chair for  outdoor “Picnic” Eucharist.

Join us this Sunday, May 23
Pentecost Sunday
Please note we have a different schedule than usual:
10:30   In-person Outdoor “Picnic” Eucharist under a canopy in the Memorial Garden and on St. Paul’s Facebook Live
Following the service (may start later than 11:30)
            Explore the Sermon over Coffee. Here is the Zoom link
1:00    Middle and High Schoolers gathering
2:00    In-person Family “Picnic” Eucharist in the Garden. Click here for the Family Worship Booklet
2:30    Family Group in the Garden

Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
9:30-10:10 am: Family Worship via Zoom 
1:00-2:00 pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays: Middle & High School Youth Group in the Garden
2:30-3:30 pm: Family Group in the GardenGraduates to be Celebrated!

Graduates to be Celebrated on June 20 at 10:30 and 2:00 In-person Outdoor  “Picnic” Eucharist!
Please email us ( with the name of a loved one who is graduating from high school, college or graduate school. It will be important for our parish to recognize them, particularly again this year as remote and hybrid schooling continues.

A Prayer

“To build up spiritual resilience, we offer this series of prayers” from the Corrymeela Community 
God in the question
of who is my neighbour;
God in the question
of how close we might be:
may our love for you
be known in our love
for strangers.
And may our faith in you
be found in the search
for beauty and truth
outside of what we call
our own.


Family Groups

Family Group continues to meet in the Garden at 2:30 – 3:30 pm each Sunday.
If you are interested in joining a Family Group please reach out to Rev. Katie.
Please note: Wear a mask and practice physical distance.
Thanks to those who were able to help us paint our Coffee on the Corner picnic table this past Sunday at Family Group!
Missed this service project gathering? No worries! Family Group will be finding other ways to connect with various ministries through projects over the spring and summer. 

All Things Youth

Hello St. Paul’s Middle & High School Youth!
2nd & 4th Sundays from 1-2 p.m. in the Garden. 

Please wear a mask, practice physical distance, and bring your own water and snack should you need them.
 Gather with Youth from Around the DioceseLet’s Talk About It: Compline + Conversation for 9th-12th graders
Fourth Sundays from 7:00-8:30 PM

Pray, Play, Connect: A Fun and Prayerful Space for 6th-12th graders
Third Mondays from 7:00-8:30 PM

Connect on Instagram Follow us @maineyouth_episcopals! 

Faith at Home

Here are some helpful resources to keep you and your family faithfully connecting.  
Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints. An illustrated children’s storybook about people of diverse faiths who rocked the religious boat on behalf of love and justice.

Common Prayer for Children and Families. Whimsical, simple illustrations and prayers drawn from Episcopal prayer resources Common Prayer for Children and Families is a collection of prayers and liturgies written for kids and the adults or communities who pray with them. 
Faith at Home, lectionary based family devotions. 
Enjoy some Bible Stories brought us by Godly Play. Well suited for the youngest among us.

Parents and teens, are you looking for a way to deepen your daily prayer practice?
Order of Saint Helena offers a free Daily Office “App” for smartphones and tablets. Check out these inclusive language daily office prayers. Visit their website by clicking the link above to learn more about this community of women in the Episcopal Church. 

Pray As You Go. Here is a helpful website, also available as an app for your smartphone or tablet, that offers you a daily practice of readings, prayers and even musically

Justice Resources

Check out the new children’s book Netflix show:  Bookmarks: Celebrating Black Voices
The Center for Racial Justice in Education has some great resources to help families in the work of racial justice.
 Family Sermon by Rev. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones about the sin of racism.
 A list of resources from some Episcopal friends in North Carolina.
short family guide to supporting racial justice now.
Book Lists: (various social justice topics, including racial justice)
Social Justice Books; A Teaching for Change Project
Act for Social Justice
Embrace Race: “Diverse” Books for Children
Anti-Racism Books for Elementary Students
Indigo Arts Alliance Book list
21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids: These helpful videos cover a variety of topics to help us talk together about race and racial justice.
They’re Not Too Young to Talk About Race: This helpful chart breaks down concepts of race that children can engage with based upon age. 

Justice Book Bags! 
We have a beautiful collection of justice-oriented and inclusive books for children. If you would like to borrow a justice book bag, please reach out to Rev. Katie Holicky to schedule a time to pick up books.

Katie’s Corner

Stories from Katie’s Corner:

Lent 2021: Snacks and Naps!
Advent 4: Joy

Advent 3: Love
Advent 2: Peace
Advent 1: Hope
Many Hands, A Penobscot Indian Story

Sunday Junior Paper – Click to Read!

Parish Office Hours

Precautions to Observe While you are in the building and on the grounds of St. Paul’s 
Inside the building:
1. Masks are required at all times indoors.
2. Sign in for contact tracing.
3. No more than six people at a time in entire building. To arrange a time, request this in advance at
4. Stay six feet or more apart.
5. Only one person at a time in parish office. (Please make arrangements with staff if you need to meet one-on-one in person.)
Outdoors (meetings and worship services):
1. Masks are recommended, particularly if you are not vaccinated, but they are not required, nor is distancing.  Children who do not have access to the vaccine must remain masked.
2. There is no limit on number of people.
3. We will also ask you to sign in for contact tracing purposes.
4. We are not recommending congregational singing. Choir members will sing the hymns at outdoor worship, wearing masks.
 Click for Parish Office Hours

Film Screenings in MayOn Thursday, May 20 at 6:30 pm, in partnership with Upstander Project, BTS (Bangor Theological Seminary Center) is offering a public online film screening of the Emmy Award winning documentary Dawnland, followed by live Q&A. This event will spotlight the first government-sanctioned Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the United States, exposing the disturbing truth about the impact of Maine’s child welfare practices on Native American communities.

On Monday, May 24 at 7:00 pm, in partnership with Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church, BTS will feature Bill Middlecamp leading “Reimagining The Future: a Climate Reality Presentation and En-ROADS Interactive Solutions Simulation.” Here’s a unique opportunity to consider the environmental-destruction impacts we are experiencing today, how we got to this point, and what the future may hold.

Marking the Anniversary of the Murder of George Floyd

May 25 marks the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, which ignited a worldwide racial reckoning. You are invited to join Episcopalians in an online liturgy of prayerful commemoration at 8:00 pm EST.  Bishops from six dioceses will lead the liturgy, including a reflection by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, a Prayer of Lament from George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, an “Act of Remembrance” from Ferguson, Missouri, and prayers from Washington, DC. You are invited to participate virtually with prayers and postings on social media in conjunction with the service. 
Link to the service on Facebook

Post One Thing You Can Do
In addition to joining the service online, you are invited to a 3-part engagement for racial healing.
Record a 10-second video of yourself lighting a candle and post that video to your social media during or after the May 25 service.
In the same post, share a link to the service, which you can watch on any of the participating dioceses’ Facebook pages.
In the same post, describe ONE thing you commit to do for racial healing and justice in the memory of George Floyd and all victims of racial injustice.

World Too Beautiful
World Too Beautiful – An Online Contemplative GatheringFirst & Third Wednesdays of Each Month @ 5:45 pm World Too Beautiful, a collaboration between St. Luke’s Cathedral and the Diocese of Maine, is a twice-monthly musical and meditative gathering that focuses on beauty, interconnection, harmony, mutual encouragement, and healing. Bring a candle to light during our prayer time. For more information and the Zoom link visit

Camp Bishopswood

Located in the beautiful woods of mid-coast Maine, Bishopswood is an Episcopal coed overnight camp affordable and open to all youths ages 6-16. The camp is open again and accepting registrations now at Scholarships are available through St. Paul’s. Please email the office if you are interested (

MCHPP Update
This Sunday we will be able to worship together for the first time in over a year. The school year is almost over. Once again MCHPP will be providing food to those children who are in need during the summer break. As always, a check made out to MCHPP will go a long way and help so many.
Please direct your check to MCHPP: 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011

St. Paul’s Weekly Calendar