St. Paul’s Family Worship Weekly Postcard 6-24-21

Blessings to St. Paul’s Beloved Family Eucharist Congregation!
Join us for Worship

Join us this Sunday, June 27
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

2:00 pm   In-person Family Worship Picnic Eucharist
 In-person, outside, Rev. Katie Holicky and musician Susan Brown will lead us in a time of song, prayer, story and sharing with our friends! 
 Click here for the Family Worship Booklet

Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
1:00-2:00 pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays: Middle & High School Youth Group in the Garden
2:00 pm In-person Family Worship Picnic Eucharist
the Memorial Garden! BYO chairs and bread!*We will offer a digital connection for Family Worship later in the Fall when we move back into the building for this service. 
2:30-3:30 pm: Family Group in the Garden

NO Family Worship or Family Group July 4th! 
We will only gather for 10:30 worship. 

Summer Finale Day

Summer Finale Day for Youth, Individuals and Families
Sunday, August 29 at Camp Bishopswood

Summer Finale is a program for whole households. Households can gather at Camp Bishopswood for free diocese-wide programming during the day on Sunday, August 29, and optional camping is available on both Friday and Saturday nights.
Swim, boat, hike, rest, lunch and worship on scenic Lake Megunticook.
We will gather on August 29 in the morning and late afternoon for worship, and in the afternoon for a free Bishopswood lunch. Stations will be set up across camp throughout the day, where individuals and households can experience the liturgy on their own terms, at their own pace. Youth completing grades 5-12 will have Pray, Play, Connect LIVE programming available in the afternoon.
Want to camp overnight? Come up on Friday or Saturday, and enjoy Camp Bishopswood’s lodging, food and hospitality. Diocesan programming is only provided on Sunday, but everything Camp has to offer is available all weekend long. Scholarships are available – we want this to be accessible to all families.
Click here to register for Summer Finale, and for the optional camping. 
Questions? Contact Cn. Sara D’Angio White,,
or The Rev. Katie Holicky,

Family Groups

Family Group continues to meet in the Garden at 2:30 – 3:30 pm each Sunday.
If you are interested in joining a Family Group please reach out to Rev. Katie.
Please wear a mask, practice physical distance

All Things Youth

Hello St. Paul’s Middle & High School Youth!
2nd & 4th Sundays from 1-2 p.m. in the Garden. 
Please wear a mask, practice physical distance, and bring your own water and snack should you need them.

 Gather with Youth from Around the Diocese

Save-the-Date: Play, Pray, Connect LIVE!
Sunday, June 27 from 1:00-4:00 PM at St. Mark’s, Waterville
Sunday, July 25 from 1:00-4:00 PM at St. Luke’s Cathedral, Portland
Sunday, August 29, during Summer Finale Day at Camp Bishopswood Play, Pray, Connect LIVE programs are open to all youth completing 5th-12th grades.
We can’t wait to meet outdoors LIVE and IN PERSON!
Click here to register.
Youth will come together to play fun games, do an outreach project, connect with one another, and gather around good ice cream and good worship.
Families who register will be provided with a list of fun things to do in the area while you wait. We take your child’s safety very seriously, and will be in communication about safety precautions during these events.
Questions? Contact Cn. Sara D’Angio White,
Connect on Instagram Follow us @maineyouth_episcopals!

Faith at Home

Here are some helpful resources to keep you and your family faithfully connecting.  Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints. An illustrated children’s storybook about people of diverse faiths who rocked the religious boat on behalf of love and justice.
Common Prayer for Children and Families. Whimsical, simple illustrations and prayers drawn from Episcopal prayer resources Common Prayer for Children and Families is a collection of prayers and liturgies written for kids and the adults or communities who pray with them. 
Faith at Home, lectionary based family devotions.
Enjoy some Bible Stories brought us by Godly Play. Well suited for the youngest among us.
Parents and teens, are you looking for a way to deepen your daily prayer practice?
Order of Saint Helena offers a free Daily Office “App” for smartphones and tablets. Check out these inclusive language daily office prayers. Visit their website by clicking the link above to learn more about this community of women in the Episcopal Church. 
Pray As You Go. Here is a helpful website, also available as an app for your smartphone or tablet, that offers you a daily practice of readings, prayers and even musically Psalms!

Justice Resources

Check out the new children’s book Netflix show:  Bookmarks: Celebrating Black Voices
The Center for Racial Justice in Education has some great resources to help families in the work of racial justice.
Family Sermon by Rev. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones about the sin of racism.
list of resources from some Episcopal friends in North Carolina.
short family guide to supporting racial justice now.
Book Lists: (various social justice topics, including racial justice)
Social Justice Books; A Teaching for Change Project
Act for Social Justice
Embrace Race: “Diverse” Books for Children
Anti-Racism Books for Elementary Students
Indigo Arts Alliance Book list
21 Anti-Racism Videos To Share With Kids: These helpful videos cover a variety of topics to help us talk together about race and racial justice.
They’re Not Too Young to Talk About Race: This helpful chart breaks down concepts of race that children can engage with based upon age. 

Justice Book Bags! 
We have a beautiful collection of justice-oriented and inclusive books for children. If you would like to borrow a justice book bag, please reach out to Rev. Katie Holicky to schedule a time to pick up books.

Sunday Junior Paper – Click to Read!

Updated Guidance for Gatherings
St. Paul’s Guidance for Outdoor and Indoor Gatherings*
Masks are not required for fully vaccinated people, but they are recommended for the sake of children who are not yet eligible for the vaccine and those who are immunocompromised.
Physical distancing is not required.
There is no limit to number of people gathered.
Masks are not required for congregational or choir singing.
for contact tracing is required.
Community groups such as the 12-step groups may meet outdoors.
If possible, it is recommended to bring a chair to use.
Limited entry to closed building for restroom use one at a time.
Food and drink are served by servers who are masked. Food is served on individual plates. 
Due to work on the building, the building will remain closed until mid-August. Please note advisory below regarding restrooms.
Masks are not required for fully vaccinated people, but they are recommended for the sake of children who are not yet eligible for the vaccine and those who are immunocompromised.
The building will remain closed with the posted office hours schedule.
There is no limit to the number of people in the building or parish office.
There is no physical distancing required.Sign-in for contact tracing is required. 
Summer Sunday outdoor “picnic Eucharist” will be in-person in the memorial garden at 10:30 a.m. and Family “picnic Eucharist” at 2:00 p.m. beginning June 20. (see above guidelines for outdoor gatherings)
On June 13 and July 8, St. Paul’s will offer Diocese of Maine pre-recorded Spiritual Eucharist. There will be no outdoor “picnic Eucharist” on these Sundays.
When heavy rain is forecast, Spiritual Eucharist from the Nave at 10:30 a.m. will be offered on Facebook Live instead of outdoor in-person Eucharist. The Saturday email and a Facebook announcement will be the vehicles to inform the parish of this change.
In-person indoor gatherings including Sunday worship will begin mid-August depending on the flooring installation in the building. New guidelines will be introduced at that time. 
*  See guidance by the governor of Maine as of May 24th, 2021 located on the website of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine.
**Thanks to a generous gift given by Caroline Russell, contractors will be painting and replacing flooring in the restrooms, kitchen, Great Hall, sacristy, hallways and parish office during July and the first weeks of August. The building will not be open until mid-August. Because of June-July renovations, downstairs restrooms will either have a reduced number of toilets or even none. Upstairs restrooms will be unaffected.
Click for Parish Office Hours

Parish Administrator Search
The position for St. Paul’s Parish Administrator is posted on our website, Facebook page and will be announced in the Diocese of Maine “Dio Log.” It will be posted on the Maine Association of Non-Profits where our Sacred Ground Advisory Team has posted the contracted coordinator position with good success. Please share this position description with people who might be qualified and interested. It’s a great position and we are a wonderful, dynamic, God-loving community of faith!

Rev. Al Niese’s New Book – Now Available

Soren’s Story: A Parable About Bullying and the Peaceable Kingdom

(Maine Authors Publishing, Thomaston, 2021) written by St. Paul’s member Al Niese and illustrated by Amy Gagnon, is now at Gulf of Maine (reopened) and other Maine bookshops. 
The children’s story is told by Soren, a city park pigeon, who fledged from a nest under a highway bridge. The parable is about bullies and the dove of peace — the same avian species as the city pigeon, the rock dove, Columbia Livia, of ancient history, art and the world’s sacred literature (including Genesis and the Gospels). 
The narrative (with teacher’s guide) addresses arrogant, destructive human behavior with ancient wisdom, offering children (and adults, too) hope and “a better way to be,” the Peaceable Kingdom. 18 paintings and drawings by Amy Gagnon accompany story excerpts available on the website:
Al raised and flew high-flying tippler pigeons as rector of Atonement, Fair Lawn, NJ. (’67-’76). He is a member of Rick Wile’s spiritual writers group. Soren’s Story is mentioned by Francis Fennell, Jr. in the official website of the Jesuit English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. 

MCHPP Summer Meal Program
Curtis Memorial Library is a host site for the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program’s Summer Meal program. FREE grab and go summer meals for children and teens (and accompanying caregivers) on a first come, first served basis. Monday through Friday from Noon to 1:00 pm near the Nancy Bouchard Laffely Children’s Garden and the Morrell Meeting Room entrance. PLEASE SHARE and SPREAD THE WORD. This is one of the many critical ways MCHPP supports our community. You may support them by writing a check in any amount and sending it to MCHPP, 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011. Thank you.

St. Paul’s Weekly Calendar