What’s Happening at St. Paul’s 9-10

What’s Happening at St. Paul’s 
This past Sunday, as we bid Carolyn farewell to rest, learn, and grow during sabbatical, I was struck by something she said. As she talked to us about what she will spend this time doing, she mentioned she would take rest, AND that we would take rest too. I have found myself returning to her thoughts throughout this first week of sabbatical time. What does rest really mean right now? How is rest part of our call to grow more deeply into Chrisitan Hospitality?

The truth is that we all need rest more than we ever have. While the pandemic has forced us to rest on some things like our Harvest Christmas Fair, I am still left wondering how we might each and collectively choose rest in a way that allows us to truly leave room for the Spirit to work on and in us these next three months. That is indeed what rest affords us. The spaciousness needed to not just survive but to thrive in ways we have yet to imagine. 

As I think about modes of rest, I began to think of a workshop I have taught in the past called, “The Spirituality of Self Care”. In this workshop we would spend time talking about ways in which we need, long for, and practice the care of self. We even would take time to make self care to do lists that helped us to focus on how we might incorporate rest and self care into our lives in sustainable ways. What leading this workshop taught me, was that this is something we all wrestle with in our fast paced, success measured by being busy culture.

This is a tension we sit in as Christians who also hold the truth that the first full day humanity lived in creation was the day of rest! After God created humans and gave us our charge to stewardship… we rested! We rested with God in the glory of creation! So, how will we rest in this season?

For me, rest looks like good long swims, reading books, listening to records, baking, getting outside, and finding a sense of play in all aspects of life. It also means leaning on you all to help with things like Family Group, worship, tending to one another, and finding joy daily in being called to walk with you. I wonder what rest looks like for you? I wonder how you might let this invitation to rest during sabbatical stir your soul? AND I wonder about and look forward to the ways we will find rest together. We will rest together in the beauty of sacrement on Sundays, in our various groups and ministries, and in the vibrancy of who we are and who we are becoming as the Body of Christ. Let us not forget that rest is a part of the journey we are walking in together!  

With restful peace,
Rev. Katie Holicky, Assistant Rector 


Dear People of St. Paul’s,
            I am writing to let you know, with great sadness, that the Wardens, Clergy, and key parish advisors have decided that at present it is not safe to host an in-person Harvest/Christmas Fair. So we will not be holding any of the events planned for October 2.
            We reached this decision with a great deal of reluctance. It was an especially difficult call, since proceeds from the fair go directly to our Outreach Fund. But with the spike in Covid-19 cases and the prevalence of the Delta variant, it would be difficult for us to put on the fair with the same joy and verve that we’ve always felt. Cases and hospitalizations in Maine are far above the level of last fall, when we held two successful fairs. The traditional lively atmosphere might be swamped by worry that one of us could make a misstep and cause someone to fall ill.
            It’s true that most of us are vaccinated, and much safer than the unvaccinated. But by October our immunity might be wearing off. Our children under the age of 12 are still unvaccinated. If the opening of in-person school leads to an increase of cases, it could well be manifesting itself then. There’s an art to living fully in a pandemic, and we are not of the mindset that we all need to huddle in our homes behind closed doors. But we do need to distinguish between safe and unsafe behavior, and we each must decide where the line between the two lies. Holding an in-person fair will push many of our most loyal volunteers out of their comfort zone.
            We will be looking toward a future time when a fair can be safely held, as well as working to finding alternatives for raising funds for our Outreach ministry. We are committed to contributing as much to the well-being of our neighbors in need as we have in years past. One way to accomplish that is through cash donations. If you would like to make a contribution to this cause, please send it to the church online or through the mail and mark it clearly for Outreach.
            It’s been a difficult year-and-a-half. But life challenges us in many ways, and with God’s help we can find ways to safely support each other and those most in need.
                                                                                     With a prayer for your peace and safety,
                                                                                                            Jan DeBlieu

St. Paul’s Guidance for Outdoor and Indoor Gatherings*
*Updated 8/13/21
1. Masks are highly recommended for fully vaccinated people and required for unvaccinated people.
2. Contact tracing is required.
3. Masks are recommended for congregational and choir singing.
4. Physical distancing is not required.
5. There is no limit to number of people gathered.
6. Please gently ask if a hand shake or hug is permissible.
7. Community groups such as the 12-step groups may meet outdoors.
8. If possible, it is recommended to bring a chair to use.
9. If food and drink are served, servers must be masked. Food is not laid out buffet style, but served on individual plates.

Parish Office is open. (see hours in announcements)
No in-person indoor Sunday worship until surge reverses to May 2021 levels for at least a month’s consecutive days.
1. No more than 25 people in building at a time.
2. Masks are required for all entering building.
3. Contact tracing is required for all entering the building.
4. No more than two masked people or two family units in each restroom at a time.
5. Building is closed to community groups, but open to members.
1. Summer Sunday outdoor “picnic Eucharist” will continue through the end of October in-person in the me-morial garden at 10:30 a.m. Facebook live streaming will be offered.
2. Starting September 12, Family Worship and Family Group begin at 9:00 a.m. outdoors.
3. When heavy rain or thunderstorms are forecast, Spiritual Eucharist from the Nave at 10:30 a.m. will be offered on Facebook Live from the closed nave instead of outdoor in-person Eucharist. The Saturday email and a Facebook announcement will be sent.
4. Memorial services may be in-person in memorial garden (see above for outdoor guidelines) or in-person indoors in the nave for no more than 25 masked family and friends or postponed to a date that fits the in-person indoor gathering criteria.
Sunday, September 19th
The Seventeenth
Sunday after Pentecost

10:30 a.m. Outdoor Picnic Eucharist in the Memorial Garden & on Facebook

Click on the link below to view from home:
To watch on Facebook
for the Worship Booklet
for the St. Paul’s Announcements

Proverbs 31:10-31
Psalm 1
James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
Mark 9:30-37
Lectionary Page

Family Ministries Sunday Schedule 
9 am Family Worship 
Family Worship Bulletin Here
Family Group following worship, ending by 10:15
12-1 pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group

Parish Announcements
St. Paul’s Zoom Exploring the Sermon will resume after 10:30 a.m. “picnic
Eucharist’ approximately 11:50 a.m. this Sunday, September 19. Please join us
using the link to the Zoom meeting sent in the Saturday Worship Links email.

 Sunday, October 3th—Blessing of the Animals

Join us as we celebrate St. Francis on Sunday, October 3rd! 
We will honor the beloved saint with prayers during worship and with a blessing of the animals in the Garden. 
Please bring your pet leashed or in a carrier, a picture of your pet, or a stuffed animal.  Wear a mask and practice social distancing. 

9:30 a.m. (following 9:00 a.m. worship)
11:30 a.m. (following 10:30 a.m. worship)
Memorial services scheduled at St. Paul’s in September: 
Due to the surge of the COVID Delta variant in Maine, currently planned and future memorial services will be offered either in the memorial garden under the canopy (weather permitting), indoors in the nave with a limit of 25 family and friends, or postponed until criteria are met for safe indoor in-person gatherings. 
Saturday, September 25 at 2:00 p.m. service for Jo Belknap will also be live streamed to our facebook live page.  

From Ellen Hall and Caroline Russell to the women of St. Paul’s,
We are hoping to co-facilitate a new women’s faith community for an initial period of 6 months. We are introducing some “touchstones” to guide how participants treat each other.
*We speak from personal experience, knowing  that others will respect our feelings.
*We provide a safe space for open conversation, respecting confidentiality.
*Identify assumptions; suspend judgement.
*Each of us is here to discover her own truths, not to fix or correct what we perceive as broken or incorrect.
*Be aware of the difference between intention and impact; assume no member intends harm or discomfort.
Please examine our offerings and share your reactions and input at one of the following:
Wednesday, September 15, 2:00pm (please note this date correction) at Caroline Russell’s at 8 Whitney Way Topsham 729-1845 OR
Saturday September 18, 2:00pm at Ellen Hall’s at 29 Tarrantine Drive Brunswick 603-721-1733 or 373-1113.
If you cannot attend either, please feel free to call or email either of us.
Hoping for fruitful discussions.

Reserving the Memorial Garden: Please contact the church office if you’d like to schedule a meeting in the Memorial Garden to ensure you’re on our calendar and we avoid double-booking. Thank you!
Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit last year, MCHPP had to close their dining room. Despite this, they have been able to continue to provide meals to those in need. They partnered with a few local organizations to provide remote sites for those who find it hard to get to their main site. From January to July, they have provided 80% more meals this year over last year.  Your donations this month will be doubled due to a matching grant that they have received. Please consider sending them a check, in any amount to MCHPP, 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011

St. Paul’s Schedule
9:00 a.m. Family Picnic Eucharist in the Garden
9:30 a.m. Family Group in the Garden
10:30 a.m. Outdoor Picnic Eucharist in the Garden & on  Facebook Live
.  Facebook https://www.facebook.com/StPaulsBrunswick/live
12:00 p.m. Middle & High School Youth in the Garden (2nd & 4th Sundays)

St. Paul’s Zoom Exploring the Sermon will resume after 10:30 a.m. “picnic
Eucharist’ approximately 11:50 a.m. on Sunday, September 19. Please join us!

Daily Morning Prayer and Compline 
Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Facebook Live.
Tuesday 12:30 pm Women’s Bible Study in the Garden (if raining, on ZOOM, ID: 814 5988 6763 Passcode: 032484)
Wednesday afternoon Bible Study, 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. will not meet over the summer. It will resume in September. Those interested in joining in the fall please contact Pam Nugent.

Prayer Requests
St. Ann’s, Kennebunkport St. Giles’, Jefferson
For our Committee on Indian Relations
Pray for the Maine Episcopal Public Policy Network.
Pray for Anderson, Andrew, Cedric, Jason, Michael, Richard, and all in the military.
Pray for those who have died remembering especially Mark Miguez, relative of Bill Boutte, who died recently.
We pray for:
Christy, Ryan & family, Ray, John, David, Judi, Nick, Bob, Kathy, Skip, the Blackburn family, Willow, Ann, Jim, Lollie, James, Dave, Caroline, Jeffrey, Carol, Harlan, Shirley, Rick+,  Elizabeth, Courtenay, Larry,  Courtenay, Patsy, Ward, Mary Ann, Steve, Nancy, Joe, and Robert G., and Larry

Jennifer, John,  Victor, Travis & family, Ben, Diane, Nate, Priscilla, Garrett, Elliot, Marcia, Lynn, Bill, Bob, Paul, Sue, Clare, Cameron, Barbara, Christy, Michael, Ryan, and Jacob, Jen and all essential workers, Sandy, Jennifer, Caroline, Carol, Judy, Alice, baby Isla, Cyndie and Bob, Peter

Matthew, Herb, Jason, Annie, Terry, Mark, Donelda, Sudie, Pat, Marie, Michael, Debbie, Carol, Ron, Hope, Therese, Lois, Bob, Virginia, Sally, Steve, Luke, Catarina, Darah, Barbara, Ronald, Ray, Philip, Patricia, Steven F, Bill, Dave, Diane, Therese, Sallie, Julie

Call or email the parish office if you would like a name to be placed on the prayer list. The names will be removed after three months unless otherwise notified.

Click here for this week’s calendar