What‘s Happening at St. Paul’s 12-5-2021
Beloved community,
This week, it is with great joy that we look towards celebrating our first First Sunday Life Together since the pandemic began! I have heard from many of you that it has been so hard to be away from one another in this intergenerational way. When the vestry met with Bishop Brown as part of his visitation last month, he shared with us a deep appreciation for our community and the ways we focus on intergenerational connections. The Bishop explained that it is through these connections in particular that churches all over the nation are thriving. Intergenerational connections are part of the core of who we are here at St. Paul’s. In this last year plus we have missed seeing our kiddos and our gran-friends (and those in between). We have missed worshiping as one gathered body. We have missed the fellowship that follows. So, this Sunday December 5, will be a day to rejoice and look with hope to all that God is calling us to as this intergenerational body of Christ. We will gather in the Nave for worship at 10:30am. Please know that we will also Live Stream the service to the Hall for those who would like the assurance of a bit of extra space. And, we will give preferential seating to our families with young ones in the vestibule where the door will be cracked for extra air flow. Please do know that if you are unable to be with us in person for any reason that worship will also be offered via Facebook Live.
After worship, you are invited to join together in the parking lot for fellowship around Solo Stoves (bonfires) to share in s’mores and conversation.
*Note: There will be no Exploring the Sermon via Zoom on 12/5.
With peace,
Rev. Katie Holicky, Assistant Rector
First Sunday Life Together December 5th: All are welcome to worship and enjoy fellowship together on Sunday December 5th! We will hold one service at 10:30am followed by parking lot fellowship with bonfires and smores! We look forward to coming back together in this beloved intergenerational way!
Please know the vestibule will be open for seating and we will live stream the service to the Hall if that feels like a safer option for you.
There will be no Exploring the Sermon after worship this week.