Blessings to St. Paul’s Beloved Family Eucharist Congregation!
Blessed Epiphany to You!
An Epiphany Prayer for you from Daily Prayer for all Seasons
Brightest and best of the stars of the morning,
Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid;
Star of the East, the horizon adorning,
Guide where the infant Redeemer is laid.
Join us for Worship
Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
January 9th, The First Sunday After The Epiphany
9:00 am Family Modified Eucharist in the Great Hall and on Zoom
( Click here to join via Zoom ID: 96617111762, Passcode: church)
Worship Booklet here
Family Group following worship, 9:30 in the Garden ending by 10:15
12-1 pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group
Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
9am Family Worship
9:30am Family Group
12-1pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle
& High School Youth Group
St. Paul’s Guidance for Indoor, In-Person Worship and Gatherings
(Guidelines subject to change as pandemic unfolds.)
INDOOR IN-PERSON WORSHIP (Digital worship offered as well!)
Based on the most recent CDC instructions,
please follow our guidelines for safer in-person indoor worship:
We will require that you wear a mask. (sanitizer & masks will be at each entrance)
Double masking is recommended by the Maine CDC and the Diocese of Maine. Feel free to take one of our masks for double masking
We will encourage three feet of physical distancing. (Seating will be clearly marked and ushers will help us keep our distance. Please only pass the peace to those near you to limit movement around the Hall and Nave)
We will say the responses, but no congregational singing. (The choir will sing)
We will not come forward to receive the bread or wine; communion of one kind from pews.
We will limit two people or family units in each restroom, masked.
We will not require a limit on the number of people in attendance, and will use the Vestibule for overflow seating.
We will not offer in person fellowship after worship.
Here at St. Paul’s we are committed to making sure all feel welcome! No matter who you are and what body you walk this life in, you are loved by God and by us. You were perfectly made just as you are and are becoming! Check out this article from Build Faith on Gender Inclusive Children’s Ministry. Soon we will offer pins to be worn during 9am worship to help us honor the chosen pronouns of each individual.
Mask up St. Paul’s!
Mask up St. Paul’s!
Please don’t forget to wear your mask while at church.
Let’s do all we can to keep
one another safe!
Updated Gathering Guidelines here.
All Things Youth
9:30 am Sundays
Family Group follows 9am worship on Sundays
in the Great Hall and on Zoom.
Join as we pray, play, and spend time in story!
Our gathering will end at 10:15.
If you are interested in joining a Family Group please reach out to Rev. Katie.
Please wear a mask, practice physical distance
Hello St. Paul’s Middle & High School Youth! 2nd & 4th Sundays 12-1pm.
Please wear a mask, practice physical distance, and bring your own water and snack should you need them.