What‘s Happening at St. Paul’s 01-21-2022

Every year in January it is my great joy for the parish to come together and review the previous year, elect our leadership and prepare for the coming year by reviewing the budget and stewardship results. Please join the Zoom link (ID: 96617111762, Passcode: church) to attend the St. Paul’s Annual Meeting this Sunday, January 23 at Noon. The Annual Report for 2021 can be accessed by clicking this link. There will be a few printed copies at St. Paul’s if you’d like to pick one up on Sunday if you come for in-person Eucharist. (One service only at 10:30 a.m.)
This is a remarkable report! Many people have contributed to its content. Read the report in its totality and with an eye to the wonders of God’s goodness and the work we’ve been called to in a pandemic, Through it all we’ve been generous, mission-focused, centered in prayer and resilient. Decades from now, others will read of the inspired work we’ve carried out in a pandemic. I’m so pleased to be the rector of this parish!
Click on the Zoom link  (ID: 96617111762, Passcode: church) this Sunday at noon to join the meeting. We will take a few minutes to orient ourselves on how to be a participant in a Zoom meeting.
See you Sunday!
Carolyn +