Blessings to St. Paul’s Beloved Family Eucharist Congregation!
Join us for Worship
February 20th, The Seventh Sunday After The Epiphany
9:00 am Family Modified Eucharist in the Great Hall and on Zoom
( Click here to join via Zoom ID: 96617111762, Passcode: church)
Worship Booklet here.
Family Group following worship, ending by 10:30
12-1 pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group
A prayer for this week.
February 18th the church celebrates Martin Luther.
Learn more about this church reformer here.
O God, our refuge and our strength, who raised up your servant Martin Luther to reform and renew your church in the light of your word: Protect and purify the church in our own day and grant that, through faith, we may boldly proclaim the riches of your grace, which you have made known in Jesus Christ our Savior, who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Beloved Community,
On March 1st the Diocese of Maine will be rolling out an updated version of Safe Church Training. We give thanks for this updated resource that helps us to live more deeply into our Baptislam Vows as the Body of Christ at St. Paul’s, Brunswick.
What it is “Safe Church”? “The purpose of this policy is to help the church to be a safer place for all who worship, or minister, or come in any sort of need, including children, youth, elders, the vulnerable, (everyone in our community), and those who work with them. We believe that this policy is one aspect of honoring our baptismal vows to “respect the dignity of every human being.”” (Episcopal Diocese of Maine)
Who needs to complete it? Clergy, Staff, Vestry, everyone who works with children, and everyone who visits folks beyond our church walls, or anyone else who may be interested!
Why should I complete this training? Completing this training is a path for us to learn ways in which we honor our Baptismal Covenant and to put our faith in action as we commit to the work of keeping one another as safe as possible.
How can I complete training if I don’t want to do it online? We will hold a few in person gatherings for folks to complete the training together! Stay tuned for more information.
Check out this video by clicking here to learn more from the Presiding Bishop and others as to why Safe Church Training is so important.
Beginning March 1st you can find the Diocese of Maine Safe Church Training Information by clicking here.After you have completed your training please print out your certificates and turn them into the Parish office so we can make sure our records are up to date.
If you have any questions please reach out to Rev. Carolyn or Rev. Katie.
Ash Wednesday, March 2nd
7:30 am to 8:15 am – Ashes and Lenten bags will be distributed to all who come to the parking lot. We will give each person instruc-tions for individual imposition of ashes, a Lenten prayer and the Lenten Meditation book.
Noon – Join us for Ash Wednesday Liturgy with modified imposition of ashes and Eucharist in-person in the Nave and on Facebook Live.
First Sunday in Lent, Great Litany – March 6th
10:30 a.m. First Sundays Life Together
There will be no Facebook Live Morning Prayer at 7:30 a.m. on Ash Wednesday, March 2. Instead, please join us on Facebook Live when we bless the ashes in the parking lot, read Psalm 51 and say the prayer for Ash Wednesday from the St. Paul’s parking lot. Compline will resume on Wednesday evening on Facebook Live Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m.
Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
9am Family Worship
9:30am Family Group
12-1pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle
& High School Youth Group
St. Paul’s Nursery is Open! Families with small children are invited to utilize this ministry for care of young ones during worship. Care will be provided by our trained and vaccinated nursery staff.
The room and toys will be sanitized regularly. Children two and up should wear a mask.
St. Paul’s Guidance for Indoor, In-Person Worship and Gatherings
(Guidelines subject to change as pandemic unfolds.)
Based on the most recent CDC instructions,
please follow our guidelines for safer in-person indoor worship:
- We will require that you wear a mask. (sanitizer & masks will be at each entrance)
- Double masking is recommended by the Maine CDC and the Diocese of Maine. Feel free to take one of our masks for double masking
- We will encourage three feet of physical distancing. (Seating will be clearly marked and ushers will help us keep our distance. Please only pass the peace to those near you to limit movement around the Hall and Nave)
- We will say the responses, but no congregational singing. (The choir will sing)
- We will not come forward to receive the bread or wine; communion of one kind from pews.
- We will limit two people or family units in each restroom, masked.
- We will not require a limit on the number of people in attendance, and will use the Vestibule for overflow seating.
- We will not offer in person fellowship after worship.
Forum on Restoring Sovereignty to the Wabanaki
The Racial Justice Council and Committee on Indian Relations of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine invite you, on February 20 at 2:00 pm, to a public forum in support of
“An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act” (LD 1626).
Maulian Dana, Ambassador of the Penobscot Nation, will be the keynote speaker. Bishop Thomas Brown will offer the opening prayer. The forum will take place via a Zoom Webinar, hosted by Christ Church, Gardiner. Click here to register.
If passed, the bill will restore to the Wabanaki tribes their inherent sovereignty over the territories in which they reside. Maine is the only state in the nation which blocks such sovereignty. (Learn more about sovereignty here in this document from the Committee on Indian Relations.)
- Maine Voices: People of faith urge legislators, Gov. Mills to support tribal sovereignty by Evelyn Johnson Moore and John Hennessy, Diocesan Director of Public Advocacy
- Times Record Guest Column: Stand with the Wabanaki, pass LD 1626 by Nicholas Smith of St. Paul’s, Brunswick
- Letter to the Editor: “ERA for Women and Equal Rights for Maine Native Tribes” by June & Roy Smoot of St. David’s Episcopal Church, Kennebunk (scroll to the 4th letter to the editor on the page to read)
Mask up St. Paul’s!
Mask up St. Paul’s!
Please don’t forget to wear your mask while at church.
Let’s do all we can to keep
one another safe!
All Things Youth
9:30am Sundays
Family Group follows 9am worship on Sundays.
Join as we pray, play, and spend time in story!
Please note: Wear a mask and practice physical distance
Hello St. Paul’s Middle & High School Youth! 2nd & 4th Sundays 12-1pm.
Please wear a mask, practice physical distance, and bring your own water and snack should you need them.