What‘s happening at Saint Paul’s: March 11, 2022
Dear Friends,
Two years ago this weekend, our bishop, the committee guiding him on pandemic safety and the governor urged us all to close our buildings, stay home and avoid gatherings. Many of us avoided shopping in order not to be infected by the emerging virus called coronavirus. It had spread through long-term care facilities in the northwest of the United States and cases had emerged and spread quickly in cities on the East Coast. New York City was besieged with cases nearly too numerous for their vast hospitals and mortuaries to handle.
Places of worship were alarmed when in March of 2020, a church choir in Washington state had gathered for rehearsal in a church and town in which no cases had been recorded. Just to be safe, they required the use of hand sanitizer and avoided hugging and shaking hands. That one rehearsal became a super-spreader in which two choir members died and 45 became infected.
St. Paul’s shifted immediately the second Sunday in March to closing the building for services. Soon, we began offering Morning Prayer on Facebook Live from my dining room. We moved the keyboard into my house and Randy Day came to play and sing from the next room. We experimented with Facebook Live and Zoom for an online offering of “Spiritual Eucharist” and discovered that the two digital platforms were not compatible enough to make a smooth-running sustained online worship experience. But we bought the latest iPhone with a grant from our diocese and have committed ourselves to live streaming to this day.
Early on, as nursing homes closed, we learned how to bring prayers digitally to the bedside of a dying loved one. Family members from across the country joined Zoom to say prayers at the time of death. We will never forget that these two years have been challenging, frightening, exhausting and sometimes exhilarating. Our ministry mettle has been tested and we’re emerging strong in faith and generosity, having adapted with grace, courage and innovation. We’ve walked this path of pandemic as a community believing in the love God has for us and our neighbors. Maybe I’ve used the word “resilient” too often to describe us. But we are a resilient, flexible faith community that is strengthened, renewed and even joyful as we’ve moved forward from this pandemic.
Maybe the phrase “moved forward” is pre-mature. Maybe “moving forward” is more accurate. No one knows if this last surge was the final gasp of COVID. The good news is that cases in Maine are down. Our greater Brunswick community has a very high percentage of vaccinated people. Wearing masks, distancing, ventilation and modifying Eucharist to be taken in our seats all have helped prevent infections as we’ve opened up for in-person worship. And now, we are offering a change in the Guidelines for St. Paul’s which are included in this email.
I give thanks to God for your grace and spirit as the adapting has been a “heavy lift” for you, our clergy, our staff and our leadership.
Thank you all.
Your friend in Christ,
Carolyn +
Your urgent support will help Episcopal Relief & Development provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine, working with ACT Alliance and our Anglican partners in Europe.
Prayer in Time of War
God of infinite mercy, we trust in your good purposes of peace for all your children. We pray for those who at this time face danger in the defense of justice. Watch over those in peril; support those who are anxious for loved ones; gather into your eternal purpose those who will die. Remove from the hearts of all people the passions that keep alive the spirit of war, and in your goodness restore peace among us; for the sake of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Changes in our Guidelines for Worship & Gatherings in the Building
Starting Sunday, March 13, 2022:
Sunday Worship: Masks are required in the nave and for Family Worship. Congre- gational singing and Passing of the Peace are now permitted at 10:30 a.m. worship. Modified Eucharist with individual wafers will continue for now. Green tape guides dis- tanced seating. Windows are cracked for ventilation. Both the Pleasant Street and park- ing lot doors will be accessible.
Gathering in the building: Masks are recommended. For meetings/gatherings with 15 people or larger the Great Hall and Upstairs choir rehearsal space are the only spac- es available. Groups less than 15 may reserve the library or one of the classrooms. Please contact Randy Day, Parish Administrator, at randyday@stpaulsmaine.org to re- serve these spaces. If the group is singing, masks are required. Windows are cracked for ventilation. Meals are not permitted.
Daylight Saving Time Change
is 2 am this Sunday, March 13th. Don’t forget to move your clocks forward an hour.
This Sunday, March 6th will worship together for
First Sundays Life Together Worship! Join us
at 10:30 am in the Nave and on Facebook Live.
Bulletin Here.
Family Ministries
Join Us For Worship
( 9:00 am service will resume next week March 13)
Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
9 a.m. Modified Eucharist in the Great Hall & on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 1711 1762
Passcode: church
Family Group following worship,
ending by 10:15
12-1 pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group
A Lenten Prayer from
Common Prayer for Children
and Families
After he was baptized, Jesus returned from the Jordan River full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. There he was tempted for forty days by the devil. – Luke 4:1-2
God of mercy and forgiveness, you made us to love you and your creation, and to love our neighbors as ourselves, but we fall into sin when we choose to do hurtful things; guide us through the forty days of Lent, to come closer to you with prayer, fasting, and giving. Amen.
Please note: There are no updated COVID safety protocols for Family Worship at this time. (wear a mask, please refrain from singing, keep distance where possible)
*Please fill out this updated registration form for children participating in Family Ministry offerings.
9:30 am Sundays
Family Group follows 9 am
worship on Sundays.
Join as we pray, play, and spend time in the story! This is an intergenerational space to learn and grow together. All are welcome!
Please note: Wear a mask
and practice physical distance
Hello St. Paul’s Middle &
High School Youth
Please wear a mask!
2nd & 4th Sundays, 12-1pm.
Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m. Modified Eucharist
in the Nave and on Facebook
Click on the link below to view from home:
To watch on Facebook
for the Worship Booklet
for the St. Paul’s Announcements
11:50 a.m. Sunday
Explore the Sermon over Coffee on Zoom
Parish Announcements
Saturday, March 19, 2020
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Great Hall
Child care available!
It’s Lent. It’s mud season. We’ve been living in a pandemic for over two years, and now we face the reality of war in Ukraine. Despite the lengthening light, these are dark times.
Consider coming to the Great Hall on the morning of Saturday, March 19 to share the film Mission: JOY and to explore ways of finding joy, even now, in our own lives. Below is a description of the film from the producers:
To register for the program, please email Mary Lee at maryleewile@gmail.com so she can send you some preliminary material to get you thinking about (and looking for) joy.
Tuesdays in Lent
The Evil Done on Our Behalf (exploring this important phrase we say in the corporate confession during Eucharist)
Speakers: Chick Carroll, Macauley Lord, Deborah Goodwin, Pat Ryan
The Zoom link will be included in Friday emails and will be sent separately the day
before each meeting.
Mar 15, 2022 07:00 PM
Mar 22, 2022 07:00 PM
Mar 29, 2022 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 7755 4118
Passcode: 913693
The Sacred Ground program at St. Paul’s is featured in the March edition of the national Becoming Beloved Communitynewsletter from The Episcopal Church. The column tells the story of Caroline Russell’s commitment to racial justice and her incredible generosity in the final year of her life. You can read it on TEC’s website – On Sacred Ground: Personal Transformation Leads to Sacred Ground Program Expansion.
Sunday, March 20—Two Events in Support of Tedford Housing
10:30 am – Spark Benefit Ride. A Spin class to benefit Tedford Housing. The ride starts at 10:30 am. Participants will need to pre-register online at
11:30 am to 2:00 pm, join Tedford staff and Board members at Flight Deck to discuss what they are all about, and their expansion for the future, and enjoy some pizza too! Flight Deck will donate 20% of pizza sales during that time to Tedford Housing.