What‘s happening at Saint Paul’s: March 25, 2022
A St. Paul’s guest recently shared with me that she has experienced our community as warm and hospitable. That kind of description is unusual for a church of “organized religion.” Some might say, “Really? Episcopalians??” I say a resounding, “YES!” From the first supper our Vestry served me at my interview in the summer of 2013, I felt a generous hospitality from you. It extended from that table with the Vestry to learning about all the 12-Step groups that met in the building (“They have their own key,” you told me.) I’m convinced that God is and has always called us to a distinctively warm and inspiring hospitality shared with friend and stranger. I’m not even sure we’ve lost any bit of that calling those two years that we were closed. We managed to reach to our neighbors, share what we have and praise God, even when we had to be so careful not to spread COVID (precautions are another form of hospitality, care for others.) You helped me write a grant to fund a sabbatical with the theme of “Deepening the Practice of Christian Hospitality.” I took six cooking classes, shared my table with friends and family, and learned how St. Paul brought the many different people of his early Christian communities together in a common bond. Much of his work was to teach how the Body of Christ functions best when all the faithful of different backgrounds work together for Christ’s sake and the sake of the world he loved so much.
Our energy and excitement are palpable as we begin to slowly resume some of the in-person activities we love so much. We are doing it responsibly and safely. No one is really sure whether or not COVID (whatever variant emerges) is low enough to abandon all precautions. But we can find joy and inspiration in being together, in participating in joyful worship, in serving those who are in desperate need and in befriending newcomers and guests.
One simple practice that we’ve loved is to invite each other and our guests to wear a name tag. We have a wall in the hallway filled with name tags that have become a little dusty over these two years. They also have included the names of dear ones we’ve lost in those two years. Randy Day and I have said prayers of “good-bye” over those and brought them to their conclusion.
Many of you have already found your name tag and wear it. Our children even have name tags. Thank you for wearing them! Newcomers, staff, leaders, clergy, and YOU are part of the call to hospitality. Please email Randy Day to ask for a name tag. Then, look on the large board for your name and let us be able to “call you by name” in the spirit of warm hospitality!
Lenten blessings, one and all,
Carolyn +
Your urgent support will help Episcopal Relief & Development provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine, working with ACT Alliance and our Anglican partners in Europe.
Prayer in Time of War
God of infinite mercy, we trust in your good purposes of peace for all your children. We pray for those who at this time face danger in the defense of justice. Watch over those in peril; support those who are anxious for loved ones; gather into your eternal purpose those who will die. Remove from the hearts of all people the passions that keep alive the spirit of war, and in your goodness restore peace among us; for the sake of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Family Ministries
Join Us For Worship
( 9:00 am service will resume next week March 13)
Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
9 a.m. Modified Eucharist in the Great Hall & on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 1711 1762
Passcode: church
Family Group following worship,
ending by 10:15
12-1 pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group
This Sunday, March 27th in lieu of Family Group we will head out to enjoy Maine Maple Sunday! We will leave directly after 9 am Family Worship, and begin our sugary journey at Red Door Sugar Shake in Topsham.
12-1 pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group
First Sunday Life Together Worship
Sunday, April 3rd will worship together for First Sundays Life Together Worship! Join us at 10:30 am in the Nave and on Facebook Live.
Family Ministries Sunday Schedule
9am Family Worship (in person and on Zoom)
9:30am Family Group
12-1pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group
This week we will add in congregational singing at Family Worship! Thanks be to God!
*Please fill out this updated registration form for children participating in Family Ministry offerings.
Holy Week and Easter.
9:30 am Sundays
Family Group follows 9 am
worship on Sundays.
Join as we pray, play, and spend time in the story! This is an intergenerational space to learn and grow together. All are welcome!
Please note: Wear a mask
and practice physical distance
Hello St. Paul’s Middle &
High School Youth
Please wear a mask!
2nd & 4th Sundays, 12-1pm.
Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m. Modified Eucharist
in the Nave and on Facebook
Click on the link below to view from home:
To watch on Facebook
for the Worship Booklet
for the St. Paul’s Announcements
Newcomers and Adults Who Wish to be Confirmed into the
Episcopal Church:
Sundays in-person April 3, April 10 (Palm Sunday), April 24, May 1.
in the St. Paul’s library after 10:30 a.m. worship.
You are invited to attend four sessions entitled “Questions and Conversations About Our Faith”. The rector will be leading the discussion and will encourage questions. Together we will explore the many delights and challenges being a faithful Episcopalian and our current relevance in rapidly changing times. These conversations promise to be energetic! For more information please email, carolyneklund@stpaulsmaine.org
11:50 a.m. Sunday
Explore the Sermon over Coffee on Zoom
Parish Announcements
Easter Flowers: donations
Envelopes will be found in the pews next week, you can mail your donation to St. Paul’s
and can be made online through your Breeze account or at St. Paul’s website
Please include the name(s) along with your donation.
Names received by April 8 will be printed in the Easter program booklet.
Tuesdays in Lent
The Evil Done on Our Behalf (exploring this important phrase we say in the corporate confession during Eucharist)
Speakers: Chick Carroll, Macauley Lord, Deborah Goodwin, Pat Ryan
The Zoom link will be included in Friday emails and will be sent separately the day
before each meeting.
Mar 29, 2022 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 7755 4118
Passcode: 913693
A Sacred Ground Affinity Group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Great Hall to further discuss the lessons learned in the Sacred Ground study. Those attending will explore Stephanie Speller’s most recent book The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community. Contact the parish office to pick up your copy. Those wishing to offset the purchase of a book and shipping cost are invited to make a donation of $16.
Safe Church Training
The Diocese of Maine (“the Diocese”) is committed to the prevention of child abuse of all forms. The purpose of this policy is to help the church to be a safe place for all who worship, or minister, or come in any sort of need, including children, youth, and those who work with them. We believe that this policy is one aspect of honoring our baptismal vows to “respect the dignity of every human being.”