What‘s happening at Saint Paul’s: April 29, 2022

This week!
First Sunday Life Together Worship

Sunday, May 1st we will worship together for
First Sundays Life Together Worship!
Join us at 10:30 am in the Nave
and on Facebook Live.

Our Sacred Ground Program coordinator, Andrea Lauerman, will be joining us for worship and fellowship on Sunday, May 1st. She is eager to better get to know the St. Paul’s community and to provide more information about the Sacred Ground program. Please take a moment after the service to introduce yourself!




Sunday Worship

Join Us
In 2 weeks on May 8th,
the Fourth Sunday of Easter
For Worship

Family Ministries
Palm Sunday

9 a.m. Modified Eucharist
in Garden and on Zoom.  Meet in the garden to make a procession with palms.
Followed by Family Group.

Worship Booklet Here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 1711 1762
Passcode: church

Family Group following worship.

12-1pm, 2nd & 4th Sundays Middle & High School Youth Group.

Family Ministries Summer Gatherings

Join us for various activities and
outings throughout the summer!
Waivers required for every participant.

Our first summer gathering is
right around the corner!

May 15th
Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment
184 Burnett Road
Freeport, Maine 04032
Leave after 9 am Family Worship ends, bring lunch or snacks for a picnic, and stay as long as you like!

The Rest of the Summer Schedule is Coming Soon!
We will carry on this summer with 9am Family Worship. We will not have a formal Family Group lesson, though the outside toys will be available for you to stay and enjoy playing in the Garden. While we will not be having Family Group, we WILL BE enjoying some fun outdoor activities together over the course of the summer. Keep an eye out for the summer schedule that will be shared soon!

Summer Schedule Coming Soon!
We will carry on this summer with 9am Family Worship. We will not have a formal Family Group lesson, though the outside toys will be available for you to stay and enjoy playing in the Garden. While we will not be having Family Group, we WILL BE enjoying some fun outdoor activities together over the course of the summer. Keep an eye out for the summer schedule that will be shared soon!

Please fill out this updated 
registration form 

for children participating in Family Ministry offerings.

9:30 am Sundays
Family Group follows 9 am
worship on Sundays.

Join as we pray, play, and spend time in the story! This is an intergenerational space to learn and grow together. All are welcome!

Please note: Wear a mask
and practice physical distance

Hello St. Paul’s Middle &
High School Youth

Please wear a mask!

2nd & 4th Sundays, 12-1pm.


Newcomers and Adults Who Wish to be Confirmed

into the Episcopal Church:
Sunday in-person  May 1st.
in the St. Paul’s library from
11:30 am – 12:30 pm

You are invited to attend four sessions entitled “Questions and Conversations About Our Faith”. The rector will be leading the discussion and will encourage questions. Together we will explore the many delights and challenges being a faithful Episcopalian and our current relevance in rapidly changing times. These conversations promise to be energetic! Rev. Katie will be meeting with you this week.

11:50 a.m. Sunday
Explore the Sermon over Coffee on Zoom

Click here for the Zoom meeting link.

Monday, May 2 at 1:30 p.m. The St. Paul’s Women’s Book Group will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the Library.  Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month.

Join us May 8th for the Bishop’s visitation!

Bishop Brown will be with us for both Family Worship at 9am

in the Great Hall and on Zoom, and at 10:30am worship in the Nave and on Facebook Live.

Our Sacred Ground Program coordinator, Andrea Lauerman, will be joining us for worship and fellowship on Sunday, May 1st. She is eager to better get to know the St. Paul’s community and to provide more information about the Sacred Ground program. Please take a moment after the service to introduce yourself!

St. Paul’s Truth-telling Initiative
Have you finished the Sacred Ground program and wonder what is next? Are you interested in being a “citizen historian”?  Join me and other members of St Paul’s as we look to discover more about our history as a parish and our roots in the broader context of our country’s history of racism. Contact Andree Appel at andreeappel@gmail.com.

A Sacred Ground Affinity Group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Great Hall to further discuss the lessons learned in the Sacred Ground study. Those attending will explore Stephanie Speller’s most recent book The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community. Contact the parish office to pick up your copy. Those wishing to offset the purchase of a book and shipping cost are invited to make a donation of $16.

Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program
MCHPP is a member of the Food Security Commission of the Mid Coast. It is comprised of over 25 food pantries, soup kitchens, farms and other groups. Their mission is to find ways to source food, fundraise, improve services, support the community, and increase their volunteer base. There is also a program that can provide seeds so that clients can grow their own vegetables. The seeds are provided at no cost. Despite this cooperation among agencies in the Mid Coast, food insecurity remains a serious problem. You can help with a donation in any amount to help MCHPP. Please send your donation to MCHPP, 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011.

Safe Church Training


The Diocese of Maine (“the Diocese”) is committed to the prevention of child abuse of all forms. The purpose of this policy is to help the church to be a safe place for all who worship, or minister, or come in any sort of need, including children, youth, and those who work with them. We believe that this policy is one aspect of honoring our baptismal vows to “respect the dignity of every human being.”

Reaching Beyond Our Bounds: Help Us Expand Our Connection to People with New Systems for Sound and Online Streaming

Two years ago, when the pandemic’s onset forced us to close our beautiful Nave and worship only online, we had no way to know how long it would be until we could again worship side-by-side.  Thanks be to God, we have managed to do that for most of the past year. We are not yet finished with the pandemic, or it with us.  But we have reached a more hopeful point.

What have we learned? How have we excelled—or fallen short? Most importantly, what lessons and practices do we want to hold on to from this time of challenges and learning? Thanks to a bequest from the late Jo Belknap, we have the opportunity to expand our online worship capacity with a new live streaming system that will be accessed easily and reliably through the St. Paul’s website.

To make a contribution send a check designated to St. Paul’s with “digital upgrade” in the memo or donated through Breeze or at https://stpaulsmaine.org/giving/