What’s Happening at St. Paul’s, June 10th 2022
Dear Friend, I serve as Vice-President of the Brunswick Area Interfaith Council (BAIC), a non-profit organization that promotes interfaith conversations, and justice and supports new non-profit organizations like Mid Coast New Mainers Support Group. It has helped seed other non-profits in Brunswick like Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program, Tedford Housing, The Gathering Place, and Oasis Free Clinic. Today, Friday, June 10 from 4-7 p.m. BAIC will sponsor a table on Maine Street with artists and the Pride Festival for the monthly Art Walk. The BAIC table theme comes from a program Virginia Theological Seminary developed after the murder of George Floyd and other killings of innocent people in this country called “Graffiti of Lament.” Our deacon, the Rev. Mary Lee Wile, area clergy and I will be offering passersby a way to write poetry, and graffiti, light a candle, and say prayers of lament for the deep sorrows of loss this country is experiencing due to gun violence. I hope you’ll stop by our table this evening to say a prayer, draw a lament, and light a candle to take with you. In a recent article written by Anglican bible scholar, N.T. Wright that our Adult Formation Committee shared during our Sunday planning meeting, we resonated with his description of the meaning of lament. It is not just a religious term. It is a term for an outpouring of community to God. He describes surprising but true characteristics of lament: 1. Lament is a form of praise. (2/3 of the Psalms are laments, but they have the title of “praise.”) 2. Lament is proof of the relationship. (When we complain to God, we acknowledge our relationship with God.) 3. Lament is a pathway to intimacy with God. 4. Lament is a prayer for God to act. 5. Lament is a participation in the pain of others. https://www.ntwrightonline.org/five-things-to-know-about-lament/ Come on over to participate in the sorrow and pain we are feeling, make a drawing or a prayer, light a candle, and pick up materials that can guide you to join God in acting against gun violence. TODAY, Maine Street, Brunswick, 4-7 p.m. See you soon, Carolyn + |
FAMILY MINISTRIES SUNDAY WORSHIPJoin Us For Sunday WorshipFamily Ministries Sunday Schedule 9 a.m. Modified Eucharist in the Great Hall and on Zoom. Followed by Family Group. Worship Booklet Here. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/96617111762?pwd=SGlCQmpXMnYvWTZCNkpzR2dnU1VqQT09 Meeting ID: 966 1711 1762 Passcode: church Please note starting 6/12 there is no Family Group or Youth Group this summer. Outside toys will be available for folks to enjoy in the garden after 9am worship. (THIS WEEK: 6/12 is our Desert of Maine outing!) See our summer schedule below! Summer Schedule Is HERE! Join us this week as we venture to the Desert of Maine We will carry on this summer with 9 am Family Worship. We will not have a formal Family Group lesson, though the outside toys will be available for you to stay and enjoy playing in the Garden. While we will not be having Family Group, we WILL BE enjoying some fun outdoor activities together over the course of the summer. Keep an eye out for the summer schedule that will be shared soon! *Please fill out this updated registration form for children participating in Family Ministry offerings. Thank you to all who helped make our final project of the school year for our Lay Pastoral Visitors to deliver! Over this school year, we have made flower arrangements twice, valentines, and pinwheels! We are so blessed by the many helping hands that make this ministry possible. Safe Church Training https://episcopalmaine.org/resources/safe-church-training/The Diocese of Maine (“the Diocese”) is committed to the prevention of child abuse of all forms. The purpose of this policy is to help the church to be a safe place for all who worship, or minister, or come in any sort of need, including children, youth, and those who work with them. We believe that this policy is one aspect of honoring our baptismal vows to “respect the dignity of every human being.” Located in the beautiful woods of mid-coast Maine, Bishopswood is an Episcopal coed overnight camp affordable and open to all youths ages 6-16. The camp is open again and accepting registrations now at https://www.bishopswood.org/. Scholarships are available through St. Paul’s. Please email the office if you are interested (stpauls@stpaulsmaine.org). SUNDAY WORSHIP Sunday 10:30 a.m. Modified Festival Eucharist in the Nave and on FacebookClick on the link below to view from home: To watch on Facebook for the Worship Booklet for the St. Paul’s Announcements CURRENT GUIDELINES FOR WORSHIP AND GATHERINGS IN THE BUILDINGPARISH ANNOUNCEMENTSPRAYER REQUESTS Coffee on the Corner: As part of the Lilly Grant “Deepening Christian Hospitality” outreach grant there is a portion for a Coffee on the Corner ministry. We have a picnic table (decorated by our youth) that will be on the corner of Union and Pleasant Streets. Object is to have coffee and ice tea/water and cookies/bread available for people walking by. It is slated to start weekly on Friday June 24th from 10 a.m. to noon. Please sign up on our Hospitality Bulletin Board if you can help with Ministry. Again we need two people for each Friday 10—noon. For more information contact: Nancy Whitehouse nancyw797@gmail.com or Tobey Lee tobeymail@gmx.com A Sacred Ground Invitation Like many of us, you may be struggling to make sense of racist violence against Americans of color, including the recent murders in Buffalo. While there are no easy answers, the Sacred Ground program provides a supportive environment and clear curriculum to help us to gain a better understanding of how we have gotten to this place and to envision a different way forward. We are now taking registrations for groups beginning this summer and fall, and hope you will consider joining us. We offer groups on Zoom and in-person, and we make the schedule based on participant availability. Sacred Ground is for anyone who wants to join with others to understand racism more clearly and to take a step towards repair. No matter where you are in your understanding of these issues, you are welcome here! Learn more and register at https://stpaulsmaine.org/learning-sacred-ground-new/ or by contacting our Program Coordinator at SacredGroundME@gmail.com / (207)295-7856. Hard-copy registration forms are also available in the office. Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program School is out next week. Many children who rely on eating lunch at school will miss this meal. MCHPP is establishing sites throughout the greater Brunswick area. These children may not understand why they only can have one meal a day. Their parents may have lost a job, work for low wages, or have become sick with the Covid-19 virus and cannot work. It will be hard for them to enjoy any activity on an empty stomach. With the high rate of inflation effecting all area of our economy, the situation is not going to improve in the near future. Any amount that you can spare to help MCHPP is greatly appreciated. One dollar can provide four meals to those who are in need. Please send your donation to MCHPP, 12 Tenney Way, Brunswick, ME 04011 |
Saint Paul’s Weekly Calendar |