Entries by Paul Womer


We’re Back!

On 14 April 2019 and on schedule, St. Paul’s parishioners returned to the nave for Palm Sunday services. Meeting in the Great Hall and singing “All Glory, Laud and Honor” as it was played on organ in the nave, worshipers paraded back to the nave.It was a joyous and glorious occasion. The new lighting reflected […]

Put the Candle Back!

Some of you might recall that familiar line from the classic Mel Brooks comedy, “Young Frankenstein.” Well, this week we put more than the candle back. Over the past three days there has been a flurry of activity in the nave as we prepare to return there for worship on Palm Sunday. On Monday and […]


Re-installing the Sanctuary Candle

On Friday, 5 April, a small team began re-installation of the refurbished sanctuary candle. Peter, Dana, and Hugh with assistance from Carolyn and Susan reattached the counterweight and control mechanism. These allow the candle’s receptacle to be raised and lowered (necessary when replacing the perpetual candle that burns within the receptacle). The attached photos display […]

Pews on the move. Restored Sanctuary Candle

Gradually, the pews are returning to their original places in the nave. Prior to their removal, the carpenters ensured that each pew was keyed to its original location. As such, each pew, now restored, is being put back exactly where it came from. Work began in the west transept. The sanctuary candle and the pulley […]

Welcome Back Pews!

The lightly refinished pews have returned to the nave. They are currently stacked in the sanctuary and west transept awaiting carpet installation. You can see that the pad for the new carpet has been installed in the center of the nave. A plywood base will soon be installed onto the floor in front of the […]


Scissors Lift Gone. New Carpets Shortly

On 21 March, the two scissor lifts that were a ubiquitous presence in the nave and great hall are gone. The stained glass cleaner, mentioned in the last blog post, has completed his task. That, along with the completion of the lighting, installation of the sanctuary candle chain, and painting ended our need of them. […]


Open Access Areas (Continued) and Lighting

Some of the valances have been reattached to the new LED ceiling lighting fixtures. As such, the lighting is no longer as harsh; it is dispersed up and around the ceiling and walls. Nave lighting again as a dimming capability for services such as Maundy Thursday or Christmas Eve. The other photos record the progress […]


New Open Access Areas

In addition to constructing a new center aisle, work has begun on the railings that will border the ramps at each end of the center aisle. Attached photos show the new railing posts before trimming. Two of the photos include extant posts to provide a perspective in terms of final style and height.

New Updates as of March 6th!

Work continues apace. The nave floor is being overlaid with plywood. The plywood will provide a smooth and uniform surface on which to install the new carpet. Other photos show the painters working in the nave. On 6 March, the rector, construction committee, funding committee and others met to discuss plans for a special service […]