Entries by St. Paul's


July 30, 2023. The 9th Sunday after Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Carolyn H. Eklund

Year AFB; Proper 12; Genesis 29:15-28; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 7.30.2023             Several years ago, Bishop Stephen Lane introduced congregations in the Diocese of Maine to a practice called, “Living Local: Joining God in the Neighborhood.” The idea was for a team of parishioners to commit themselves to deep listening practices in their neighborhood and in […]


July 2, 2023. Sermon preached by Rev. Katie Holicky

7.2.23 First Sunday Life Together             Rev. Katie Holicky, Assistant Rector Matthew 10:40-42 The word “welcome” appears six times in these four verses from Matthew and four times alone in this first sentence that Jesus speaks in this passage. So today, it seems like we are supposed to talk about […]