October 22, 2023. The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Mary Lee Wile

Two weeks ago, I took my 8-year-old granddaughter to Dairy Queen after school. She wanted me to give her the money so she could order and pay all by herself, […]

The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost October 15, 2023. Sermon preached by Rev. Suzanne Roberts.

Rev. Suzanne G. Roberts, MD Sermon for October 15, 2023, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brunswick, Maine Exodus 32:1-14; Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14 Thank you for inviting […]

October 8, 2023. Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The sermon preached by Rev. Andree Appel

                                                                 Indigenous People’s Day                                                             Tomorrow, Maine along with 14  other states and several municipalities, will observe Indigenous Peoples Day, formerly known as Columbus Day. Columbus set out in search […]

“My heart is full of love …”

Beloved Friends,      My heart is full of love, joy, and gratitude for you! The party Saturday was absolutely a heavenly experience with a joyful and loving crowd. Thank you […]

October 1, 2023, Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Carolyn H. Eklund

Year A; Proper 21; 10.1.2023, The Rector’s Retirement Sermon                 Philippians 2:1-13 [Act out Acts 16 – Paul, Silas, Timothy meet Lydia and her household at the River near Philippi. Props:  […]

September 24, 2023. The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Mary Lee Wile

Sermon, Sept. 24, 2023 “What you are is what you were when.” That’s the title of a short film that I watched in a course called “Human Relations in the […]

September 17, 2023, the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Katie Holicky.

9.17.23, Matthew 18:21-35                                The Rev. Katie Holicky, Assistant Rector  When I was in seminary we […]

September 10, 2023. The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Carolyn H. Eklund

For 15 years I worked for a pharmaceutical company. I started as a salesperson selling lab products to clinical and hospital labs in five states in the Mid-West. After a […]

August 27, 2023, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Sermon preached by Rev. Mary Lee Wile

“Who do you say I am?” Br. Eldridge Pendleton was my spiritual director for 20 years, until his death in 2015. One of the things he told me early on […]