“Our Future is Intergenerational”
Our community believes that Jesus calls us to grow in love and faith together. We learn and grow so much when the five generations that make up our church family gather to worship, learn, work, and play.
We offer a warm welcome to families of any description, at any point on your spiritual journey. Join us for activities after 9:00 a.m. Non-Traditional worship, or on First Sundays after the 10:30 service. Whether it’s an Ice Cream (or ‘Smores) Sunday, making flower arrangements together for our Lay Pastoral Visitors to deliver, caring for the creation, or having fun together at the ocean, in drum circle, carving pumpkins, or going ice fishing, there’s something – and a friendly reception – for everyone.
Instead of Sunday school, we offer Family Group. It’s an intergenerational time of formation that follows 9 a.m. worship.It includes lessons on scripture, liturgical seasons, and activities created by various ministry teams, like Altar Guild and Earth Care. We work together to involve children and young people actively in worship and faith-sharing. Some of the wisest voices we hear are under the age of 8 as well as over the age of 80. We encourage young folks to be themselves among us, and invite them to participate in our rich traditions (like carrying “live fire” as torch bearers. Very exciting — and well-supervised!).