
The 10:30 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist held in the church features musical leadership by the 22-member Adult Choir.  Each month an additional ensemble is added to the mix:  Men of St. Paul’s, Women of St. Paul’s, and St. Paul’s Choristers.  Repertoire shared for Offertory anthems, introits, or Communion anthems range from 9th-century chant arrangements and medieval-Renaissance motets to Anglican fare, including Anglican Chant for the psalms, contemporary selections, African-American gospel, and ethnocentric selections.  Anglican psalm chant, descants for hymns, acapella hymn singing, and liturgical movement all allow each worshipper to engage more fully in the experience of worship.

Accompaniment for the 10:30 a.m. service is played on the organ, recently refurbished by the Robert Faucher Organ Company in Biddeford, Maine, and the Clavinova.  Seasonal services are highlighted by the use of a string quartet on Christmas Eve and other instrumentalists throughout the year.  Organ music used for Preludes and Postludes is chosen to fit the liturgical theme for the day and to provide a wide variety of keyboard music composed by pre-Bach composers to present-day living writers.

Ensembles of St. Paul’s

Adult Choir    Membership is always open for this ensemble which serves weekly in worship from September till the end of June plus seasonal services such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and two services on Easter Sunday.  Singers should be at least high school age and above.  No audition is required.  Rehearsal is Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. in the Choir Room also known as the “Upper Room.”

St. Paul’s Choristers       When possible, our younger members from the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. service are encouraged to gather four times a year to participate as a singing ensemble in worship.  Families with children are welcome and will certainly help this area of ministry to grow.  Again, no audition is required.  Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Sunday mornings between services.