The people of St. Paul’s contribute to our wider community in active, creative ways. Not only are many parishioners deeply involved in local groups, several of those agencies began at the church or were started by its people working with other community leaders.
Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) began as a food pantry at St. Paul’s. The Gathering Place, a day shelter for unhoused people, started as a largely St. Paul’s-led program. Tedford Housing, Midcoast New Mainers Support Group, and the Merrymeeting Gleaners are among the organizations that were either “incubated” at the church or prospered thanks to the strong participation of its people.
Several decades ago, the congregation pledged to support its outreach efforts monetarily by devoting all proceeds of its annual Christmas Fair to area service agencies. The Fair raises between $20,000 – 25,000 annually. The funds are distributed by St. Paul’s Outreach Commission. The Commission also organizes the annual Outreach Fair, inviting recipients of funds to participate, so that parishioners can connect more closely with their work.
The Outreach Commission helps the people of St. Paul’s to think about our mission as Christians. Together, we can embrace our neighbors, both near and far away, in concrete, practical ways that show the love of God in action.
To learn more about our outreach activities, please contact stpauls@stpaulsmaine.org.