Weddings and Funerals
Celebrating Life’s Passages at St. Paul’s
Holy and gracious God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is performed at St. Paul’s for parishioners,those who would like to become parishioners, and those who either grew up in the parish or who have a close connection with the parish. The first person to consult when planning a wedding is the senior clergy person of the parish, who will celebrate and officiate at the marriage. Then the clergy person will contact the organist, clergy and all who will participate musically and liturgically in the service. Meetings for pre-marriage counseling are required by Canon Law of the Episcopal Church.
The Rite of Christian Burial:
The Rite of Christian Burial is one of the most beautiful services in the Book of Common Prayer. It has been planned so that our faith in the resurrection is deepened through prayer, music and preaching leading to the time of burial which traditionally concludes the service. When a loved one has died, the first person to contact is the senior clergy person of the parish for the last rites of the church. All planning takes place with the rector who will be the celebrant and preacher, in order to effect the purposes of the service. When the planning is completed, clergy will contact all other participants.